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View Full Version : Inflamatory makers please someone respond.

14-05-09, 14:52
Hi all,
I have been having really bad chest,back arm and rib pain on and off for a few months.
Had a blood test a few weeks ago and i was borderline for inflammatory markers, so i need a repeat.
The dr gave me codine and citropram and said some thing about a lupas test which i am really worried:weep: abot can anyone advise?

Can you get boarderline inflammatory makers when you hurt you muscles from being tence?

Captain America
14-05-09, 16:00
'borderline' sounds just fine to me. i had elevated levels (just above normal) about a year ago on one test so i researched it. apparently inflammation is pretty common in anxious and depressed people. funny my doctor wrote on there 'possible gallbladder disease'. so yours thinks lupus, mine thought gallbladder. they just guess most of the time i think.

my levels went down on their own, but then i had elevated white blood cells. so i googled that and scared myself again until a test 6 weeks later showed those returned to normal.

tests lead to more tests which leads to more worry, mostly about nothing.

Captain America
14-05-09, 16:08
and to answer your questions specifically, inflammation can occur in response to injury, and since you're obviously in pain then your body can definitely respond that way to what you're describing.
i've had some form of chest, back and rib pain for 2 years and it's just starting to get a little better. ct scans and xrays found nothing, so they said i'm just tense all the time. whether that caused my elevated levels, we'll never know.

14-05-09, 16:12
Thanks captain, Im just so worried.

Captain America
14-05-09, 16:31
i know, i've been there. doctors don't help either..it's like they throw out these things without thinking what it's doing to us.
like i have this shakiness when i extend my arms. my dr. did a couple of things and said, 'well it's good that blah blah, because otherwise that could be a symptoms of parkinson's'.
well of course he said it wasn't, but did that stop my from googling and diagnosing myself with anyway? of course not!

it's like i would LOOK for things to worry about.

so try not to (although i know you will). it will all be fine.

14-05-09, 16:47
Hi, i had raised inflammatory markers in jan (higher than borderline though) for no apparent reason.....i had bone type pain, wierd neurological symptoms and some ear issues. So you can probably guess what google lead me to think :scared15:

They left me to freak out for a couple of months....then re-tested my blood and they had returned to normal, my Dr's suggestion - mysterious virus! fantastic more medical guesswork :doh:

14-05-09, 17:39
Thank you guys, its made me feel a little better.I will let yo know the outcome.

08-06-09, 09:58
Well I got my results and they came back clear.

08-06-09, 12:09
Thats great news:yesyes: