View Full Version : Gosh gastroenterology(sp)

14-05-09, 16:51
well i went back to the GP today and she has signed me off sick for another 3 weeks, i have anaemia and she said she wants to get all these tests done before i go back,
i have gastritis and take lansaprozole every day, she has increased this dose as she has given me a med to stop my period in an attempt to help me not lose anymore iron. my level was 7 and liver function is okay, all other samples!! ok.

she has referred me for a pelvic scan, rule out fibroids and stuff and said she would ideally like me to have an endoscopy, which i have refused to have, for me i have had one and hated it as my panic is associated with my throat and stuff. GP said if i see a consultant he could maybe do a barium swallow/meal which i would prefer than something going down my throat. I think that request is normal for me to ask for this rather than the endo.

thing is now ive convinced myself i have stomach cancer, then today had sharp pain in my right side well below my heart and i know in my head its not my heart. I asked the GP about cancer and she said by no means do i believe you have cancer, we are just trying to rule out places you could be bleeding from, more than likely it is your periods.

my God i am now beyond myself, crying and even having funny sensations in my legs when i was trying to sleep earlier, im getting to the point i can function but nothing is any fun or very easy either.
sorry for waffling but i just needed to vent i think and maybe some reassurance that anxiety can do all this to you, the stomach, the headaches and the constant worry that is taking over my life, i just feel overwhelmed and fed up.

thanks for listening


14-05-09, 19:39
Jools poor you the waiting for tests is so horrible isn't it. You should be able to have a barium swallow instead of endosocpy obviously if there is anything iffy they will want to do endo as well to take a sample but hopefully all will be fine.
Some people are more prone to aneamia than others it depends on how well you can absorb iron from food. The pelvic ultrasound will rule out anything nasty in the gyny dept as well.
HOpe you get your tests soon as the waiting is awful and will be thinking of you.
Keep us posted:bighug1: