View Full Version : Haven't been around in awhile and here's why...

14-05-09, 17:41
I have a lovely 11 year old daughter with ADHD. After pressure from her school we felt forced to place her on the ADHD medication Strattera. She started at 25mg and 4 days later was bumped to 60mg. After this she stated she was hallucinating in school and we were forced to commit her for 3 days in the psych ward. Now a month later she is still having anger problems and other issues in school which has lead to her being told by the principal that if she has another "outburst" she is going to be arrested and sent to Juvi (in the US that is). She was suspended for the week from school and is going to in all likelyhood fail the grade she is presently in.

Her psychiatrist today has advised us that she is suffering from severe seperation anxiety which was brought on mostly by her stint in the psych ward.

I on the other hand have been a nervous anxiety filled wreck since this started and am pounding down my meds to make it through the day.

Now I have a choice, we have a big meeting tomorrow with the principal and whomever else and basically it's a "drop dead" meeting. Either they come up with an option to help her, or she is getting pulled out of school and I am going to be forced to quit my job.

Anxiety inducing much?:scared15:


No lawyer will take our medical malpractice case in regards to her over medication because we don't have the 5k for the retainer. :blush:
Going to lay my head down for a minute or 4 because this is making me anxious.