View Full Version : i won't be able to manage

14-05-09, 18:28
tuesday i was admitted to hospital and stayed in under obs, i took little too much of my promazine i was in such a state about not wanting to do the therapy thing they were refearing me to as its far away and would take 90mins to get there in morning and 90mins home in rush hour traffic on buses and walking, now gp said they are going to remove me off promazine im in bits again, i know i dont want be on it forever but having it combined with venlaxine really helps me id be much worse without, i much much worse during menstruation time in my mood and did take bit extra once before of promazine last time i was on, while in hosp i didn't take anymore of it at all even usual dose, and i had the worst panic attack i have had in a long time

now im getting emotionally upset of that being taken away from me, i asked if i could stay on it if a parent kept them for me, to be told they'd have come in with me, but they dont know i took extra :weep: they think i was in for checking on if meds where working :weep: :weep: as i couldn't tell them and the nurses respected my decision, the other night had worst nightmare when not on it and feel without it right now ill get worse:scared15: :weep:
i think i learnt from ebing in hospital and never will do it again, i asked a specialist doc about my periods and mood and they suggested injections every 3month which gp disagreed with and said not goo with my weight , gp on about pills, which i dont want to take when i read side effects of others given to me in past refused to take them

i felt better after speaking to hosp doctor but now seeing gp i feel back down again :weep:

14-05-09, 23:53
Awww Lonely - I really feel for you. You seem to be going through such a tough time at the moment. I hope things pick up for you soon.
You could tell in your last posts that you were getting stressed out over the course.
How are you now???
I would suggest going back to your gp and having a chat with him. Tell him what you want to happen as regards taking medication. Do you receive any counselling?
I was diagnosed a few years ago with PNDD which is a severe form of PMT. Some months I am not so bad and others I am an absolute nightmare with my emotions everywhere. Last month I was the best I have ever been I think but I am sure that is down to me now taking Citalopram. You can get a lot of help for PMT and your gp should be listening to you and helping you.
Could you change your gp if you are not so happy with him? Maybe try going to see a female gp about your PMT too as I find they understand more than male gps in my experience.
Keep posting and let us know how you are or feel free to PM me if you wish.
Take lots of care.
Hugs to you :hugs:

15-05-09, 15:36
thanks my gp is actually a female but i know another one in the practice who has interest in the womens area of medicine
i phoned cpn this morning telling her my fears and saying i was worse whne on time of month and that my gp didn't seem to understand my fears, if they let me have the depo injection it may take the extra pressure away and calm me down when on the time of month abit, i dont see what problem would be i drink loads of milk soo wont get calcium problem and hospital speacialist said to take multi vitamins for vit d to help

im waiting for cpn to phone back and scared of what she might have been told

also left message with pshychiatrists secretary about my worries and she'll pass it on to her as she is on night shift next week

15-05-09, 16:51
hi lonely is there a reason they wont let you have the depo ive had it in the past without any problems

15-05-09, 17:11
well she says because of my eating problem but hospital specialist knew about that anyway and when i told them i didnt like the pill they suggested the injection to me