View Full Version : what else could i suggest help

14-05-09, 18:35
with from my cpn to try and avoid the therapy thing which is too far from me to travel at this time, pshychiatrist at hospital made me feel soo much better in my self aggring on it being to far to travel 90mins in morning there, adding on 90mins home.

one i suggested was cpn taking me out to shops

but what else can cpn's do to help with anxiety, self harm, eating issues etc
i told pshychiatrist on call yesterday that maybe my keyworked could help me with my eating issues and he thought it was good idea

so just gp making feel awful at the moment:weep: :weep:

14-05-09, 19:12
Hello Lonely , yes i think its a good idea , your cpn could get you a care worker to help you get to shops and the help you need with other issues , i really do hope you get the help ,take care , d x

14-05-09, 19:14
Hello Lonely , yes i think its a good idea , your cpn could get you a care worker to help you get to shops and the help you need with other issues , i really do hope you get the help ,take care , d x

thanks yes the pshychiatrist who saw me in hospital said other things could be done if i didn't want to travel soo far to therapist, he said even he wouldn't want to travel soo far, yet gp doesn't seem to listen to me fears


14-05-09, 19:26
Hi Lonely , The decision is with your psychatrist and mental health team and you , dont quote me on it but i dont think your doctor can decide if you get their help , good luck , d x

14-05-09, 19:39
thanks soo i can still see pshychiatrist for help, i was planning on trying to phone them tomo and leave a message about the fear of gp just stopping my promazine just like that :weep:

14-05-09, 21:44
Your doctor, is very important to your health but if you have a Psychatrist, he or she should decide which medication you are on , maybe your Psychatrist told your doctor to stop prescribing your promazine .I can assure you each one of them is there to help you , trust your doctor and have a chat to your psychatrist , i hope all goes well for you , take care , d x

14-05-09, 22:13
no pshychiatrist hadn't spoken to gp yet, soo i know it was gp decision, i did sa what if i gave my parents the meds to keep but they said that id have come in with them next week, but they dont know what i did and i dont really want them too either, and i am an adult and can make my own choices soo would feel stupid having to give meds other to a parent

15-05-09, 17:15
now im feeling alot worse i keep having bad panic attacks they havn't been soo bad in a long time, im too scared to go out far since home from hospital i only took nans dog round the block and my heart palpitations started and now again in my room and i couldn't breathe, like when i had the nightmare the other night about being stabbed and woke up in severe panic :(