View Full Version : lots of different types of headaches? worried :(

14-05-09, 19:54
since anxiety started i've gone through so many different types of headpains and feelings - from a foggy feeling at the back of my mind permenantly for weeks, to sharp dull pains at random points all over my head for 5 seconds, to feeling of having something press down on my head, to headaches at the front, left, right, back or straight in the centre which feel like something pressing down to a dull ache to a vague burning sensation on the scalp.
does anyone else get anything like this? i have told my gp and they say they are not worried and it's just anxiety and don't see any cause to send me for an MRI, but since moost of my symptoms are to do with my head I am obviously getting very worked up over the idea of a problem with my brain, such as a tumour.
does anyone else get any headaches like this atall? did anyone else have lots of headaches then get an MRI and it was clear?

14-05-09, 20:07
Yep that was me. I call the ones in front icepick headaches, and then I have some that are mostly on the right side of my head. My doctor said these are cluster headaches. You can also have tension headaches that are pain all in random places around your head. I got an MRI a few months ago....nothing, all normal and clear (whew!). I also have dizziness but its from Labyrinthitis. Labyrinthitis makes me feel like someone's hand is pushing at the back of my head. Really odd feeling. :scared15:

I never realized this until I was sitting one day watching TV and my shoulders were practically wrapping up around my ears. I have been practicing relaxing my shoulders and neck and being more aware of that tension.

14-05-09, 20:22
it's great to know it's not just me :) i wonder if anyone has had any explanations as to why we get headaches?
as i've managed to do well on calming down over all other symptoms it's really just headpains that get me worked up these days, but luckily i have an appointment with my GP tomorrow so i shall tell her my concerns exactly and explain i feel i would like some proof that they know that i am not a cause for concern so i can concentrate on telling myself it is purely mental and not a deadly tumour!
glad that the MRI was clear sleepless!

14-05-09, 21:30
Headaches are a common thing with anxiety, I have them, and get them in spells. The strange thing is, that if you do get distracted you suddenly realise, my headaches gone. You soon realise thats its anxiety thats causing it in the first place, thinking about it makes it worse.

Once you can accept that its the anxiety that causes them, they do fade and go again, although if its like me, it can take a bit of time.

Sometimes, just a day without a headache can be the key, the break required to then go through a spell without them coming back.

14-05-09, 23:04
yeah, i have noticed i do get them nearly only when i get stressed and anxious, as now i make sure i drink enough water in a day so i don't get dehydrated. it's just sometimes i can't ignore them and i break and start to think it must be serious :( guess i'll just have to keep perservering!

15-05-09, 01:28
yeah i get this also. it's my biggest problem with anxiety. keep us posted on what your doc says.. explanations always help!

15-05-09, 17:51
sadly the doctor said, again, no cause for concern and cryptically that "stress causes many things". logic would put it down to muscle tension and stress in general.