View Full Version : Scared of alopecia :(

14-05-09, 21:16
Hi everyone *waves* I dunno really what to do or anything.

Haven't been about in while :( :weep: I'm just in a bad bad place with everything just now and as usual I'm worrying about health,my health,families health,friends etc and the latest thing is hair.

I was combing my hair and I usually wear it in the middle shed and next to the side of my shed there is a little bal patch,it's tiny and not noticeable really to others but obviously me with my HA,notcied it and I have been stressed to hell for..ever really and I'm scared all my hair is going to start to fall out.

I have an appointemnt at the hair dresers tommorrow to get my hair cut shorter..my hair is near the base of my spine and I'm scared yeah.

Should I point it out to the hairdresser? I'm terrifieid I've caused my hair to start falling out and then worrying is gonna make it worse but then I can't help it. :(

Any advice or cuddles? Or anything? Has anyone had probs with hair ?

14-05-09, 21:31
Are you going to your usual hairdresser?

If so discuss it with her and ask her if she notices any unusual hair loss, i.e. an unusually large amount of casting when washing or brushing your hair.

If the answer is yes make an appointment with your GP and ask to be referred to a trichologist.

Are you a hair twiddler?

I'm a hair puller and have been for over 30 years.

Big hugs 'cause I know how you feel :bighug1::hugs::bighug1:

14-05-09, 21:39
I don't fiddle with my hair at all,or pull it or anything..I go to a usual hairdresser yeah,I get strands coming out when brush my hair and my hair is awful...I straighten my hair to hell and it is full of split ends which is why I was going to get my hair cut anyways..but I am terrified. :'( I am scared to go to sleep and wake up with hair all over the place on pillows and stuff :'(

14-05-09, 21:49
It's possible you've burnt a clump hair whilst using the straighteners and caused some damage thus causing the hair to break close to your scalp.


14-05-09, 21:58
I hope you're right. I just dunno..oh dear.. I keep checking all my hair now.

*sighs* :(

Thanks for replying. I'm just scared that because I have been havinbg alot of problems and stuff more so recently that it's fallin gout because of it

14-05-09, 22:19
Don't forget that more hair comes out this time of year. My hair is always thinner in the spring/summer...

R xx

14-05-09, 22:57
Does it? I didn't know that..but still.would that not have happened before and I wold have noticed? Oh dear,I'm just being so negative and in a state :weep:

I'm sorry.

Thanks Mondie and Mau *hugs*

15-05-09, 06:53
About two years ago I had a bald patch about the size of a fifty pence on the left side I my head, I mentioned it to my hairdresser and she said not to worry as it would grow back.

I forgot all about it and it has grown back.:)

15-05-09, 10:18
Does it? I didn't know that..but still.would that not have happened before and I wold have noticed? Oh dear,I'm just being so negative and in a state :weep:

I'm sorry.

Thanks Mondie and Mau *hugs*
Wee mee

I hope your feeling better about your hair today. Just to say that i have issues with hair falling out just now amongs soooooo many other things i worry about. Try not to get dragged in by these things. Remember you have HA and its that 'feeling' that something is wrong that is your actual problem. not the other stuff that you can see, promise!!


15-05-09, 11:27
When I went through a really bad stage in november, I noticed my hair was thinning at the sides and it was turning grey. It is usually due to acute stress. If this is the case, it tends to happen about 9 months after a traumatic stressfull incident... according to my doctor and research. Even if it was alopecia, it doesnt always cause all your hair to fall out. My friend has had alopecia and he has about a inch patch in one side of his head that came out and not the rest. If your hair is longer it covers it over. I wouldnt have noticed unless he had shown me. Im sure your heair wont fall out. Things just tend to seem magnified when you are anxious. Where is this patch? I went crazy expecting my hair to fall out and I was under massive amounts of stress, but it just went white and stayed at that. I shouldnt fret. x

15-05-09, 11:31
my hair comes out alot to, when i brush it and when i wash it. It did panic me a couple of weeks ago, because it seemed like loads was coming away. I went to the hairdressers, just for a cut, and i mentioned it to her. She asked if a straightened it (yes) asked if i washed it and then put it in a bobble (yes) and do i colour it (yes!). these all contribute to our hair coming out. i have stopped worrying about it.....well for now! x

15-05-09, 19:44
I had to cancel my hair app today.. having lots of fights with my partner..been on and off with him and the stress is getting to much so that's that over and i;M just scared the stress is making it fall out and it's like,not that noticeable when I'm far away but its like a little white patch(bald spot) on the top of my head next to the left side when my hair is in a middle shed. I keep looking at it and *sighs* I dunno.

I'm going to go to hair dressers on Monday though and get my hair cut. Shall ask them if they see it. :'(

I just..well I don't like myself very much at all but the one thing I thought that was alright was my hair heh..but it seems that is going haywire too now


15-05-09, 19:54
aw, i'm sorry to hear about all of the stress in your life. i definitely can relate to periods of time like that, it is not easy! you will get through it and come out stronger on the other side. i understand your being worried about alopecia but i am SURE this is from stress. talk to your hairdresser about some things you can do to keep your hair follicles strong. i'm sure she can give you some advice. cheer up - you'll be ok, you're just going through a rough patch :)