View Full Version : I take things too personally

14-05-09, 21:27
I dont know what it is up with me, but everything that everyone says, I take it too heart, and too personally.

E.g. today my work boss told me he was going to chat to me later, to check if I was ok, as I am currently going through a disciplinary procedure. He chatted to all my colleagues, and then went away to some meeting and never returned. I felt heart broken!!! I cried all afternoon, feeling he neglected me, he talked to everyone and left me out despite telling me he was going to have a quick chat with me later.

Why do I do this? I feel so immature now. What do you think it is? I do have many friends, few good friends and a best friend, I dont suffer from social anxiety. Recovering from depression, dont know what it is??

Thanks x

15-05-09, 00:47

I think it's normal to feel put out if your boss does something like that. Yeah it's not the end of the world, but it's thoughtless & it could feel like he was being rude. Some people can just be forgetful which can be upsetting for people who aren't like that. I have depression & I would probably feel the same.

All you could do different is chase it up if he was still at work. If you need the training tips, go find the boss & ask. Being the boss is very stressful & there are many things to remember at all times.

You are allowed to feel however you want about things. There's no right or wrong way to feel. That's what I try to tell myself when I feel these things.
