View Full Version : Worried about a mole on my leg

14-05-09, 21:54
I have this tiny mole on the back of my upper left leg, and I have noticed it in passing before but I always just assumed it was a bug bite. I have picked at it, scratched at it, and rubbed it before, and never had issues with it before (bad big bite habits, I get them a lot). Lately though, the top of the mole feels hard, almost like it's a scab on top of it. Aside from when I agitate it by playing with it for hours, it never causes me pain. It's tiny and circular/oval shaped, definitely not an odd shape. No lumps on it or any real disfigurement that I can see. It seems to be mostly the same color, just brown as far as I can tell... but it has me freaked out because of the hard top to it... it just feels like something is wrong and I have been worrying and panicking about it for a couple of weeks now. I initially thought maybe I had just scratched it in my sleep and made it like it is, but it's still like that and now I am starting to really worry. I know the question is supposed to be "Has the mole changed since you first noticed it?" and if the answer is yes, you're supposed to go get it looked at... but I am terrified beyond belief to go get it looked at, it just doesn't even sound like a viable option right now. I can't figure out what it could be, I keep hoping that I just scratched it, but it feels like the top has been hard for too long for it to be a scab, I just don't know.

14-05-09, 22:04
If you don't want to go straight away to docs for a few days,wait and see if it "heals" if you like hun but if not I would go straight away.

I have a mole on my left thigh and the doc described it as "flame shaped" and I have an appointemnt for dermatologist in 4 days to get ti checked and I am freaking the hell out! :'(

I understand how frightning it is but if i Was you I would go sooner than later though I'm sure all is okay hun


14-05-09, 22:39
It doesn't sound like there is a problem with the mole to be honest but I heard the saying 'get your moles checked' a couple of years ago and it doesn't hurt to get any checked. I do understand your worry, but dont be scared, ask your gp and if he/she thinks there is a problem then you can be referred. They have this thing now that anyone referred (whether the dr thinks it is something sinister or IF IS JUST FOR PEACE OF MIND) that you are seen within 2 weeks, think its called the 2 week rule. I was petrified when I went but we always think the worst dont we? Mine was nothing, but I didn't believe him and so he immediately went and fetched another consultant who also checked and said the same. I'm glad I went though, as it does reassure and I'd def go again to get any moles checked.... its a good thing! Seriously, if it is nigging, worrying you then go get it checked! You will be absolutely fine. :)

14-05-09, 22:43
Phoenix, why is having the mole looked at not a viable option? We're all different but to me that would be a good option because it would clear your mind to have a diagnosis. He may do a biopsy/or and remove it which doesn't hurt except a tiny needle stick. I have had many things that cropped up and did change size and texture and they all turned out to be keratosis, harmless.

Wouldn't you rather just know than have this in the back of your mind all the time? I will say that my aunt had all 3 cancers, basal, squamous and eventually melanoma, all treated and she is 99 years old and real fine. So every skin cancer is not a death sentence, even if that is what you have...and I betcha it is not.