View Full Version : Heart Flutters

14-05-09, 22:38
I've had anxiety for 5 years now and my symptoms vary from month to month my most hated symptom is chest and left arm pain, this stays with me constantly.
For the last couple of nights i've had palpertations and heart flutters, it's about 2 years since i've had this symptom and I had forgotten how awful it is. I know there is nothing to fear I've read the advice page but it's shocked me. I know coughing can help heart flutters but I would like to know if anyone has any special tips, It seem to happen when I lay on my side at night but that could just be a coincidence. I would like to nip it in the bud before it gets out of control.

14-05-09, 23:46
i had these daily for about a year and a 1/2...I guess I had bouts where it would go away, but only for a bit, finally had another echo and 24 holter, it was normal! And my heart skipped 127 times that day. After hearing the results they have went away, i have gotten them a few times since but it was minimal. Remember you will be ok, the more u think about it the wose it is.:hugs:

15-05-09, 12:53
I had to laugh as I saw this post as the timing was amazing... I've been experiencing the same thing myself over the last couple of days and just the unpleasantness of it is making me anxious. I'm also feeling a bit run down with a bad stomach & headache. Not sure if it's all anxiety related or a general bug but either of those can make the symptoms worse. I was once told that illness/bugs etc can make these types of symptoms worse particularly if you're dehydrated. Are you feeling ok otherwise?
I don't think your flutters are worse because you are laying on your side, just that they are more noticeable.

I hope they settle for you soon :hugs:

Mel x

15-05-09, 13:44
I havehad these ectopic beats for many years..at one time they were almost continuous and made me cry with weariness of them and with the frustration of them not going away, whatever I did. They eventually went awway for about 3 years and it was bliss! Last year they were back again and I felt so down about it..however, I have cut out some caffeine though not all as I love abit of dark chocolate! But the thing that I believe has banished them is the purple grape juice which I now take every day. This tip was on here a couple of months ago, think it might have been Mick or Mike (sorry lads the ectopics are a whole lot better, but obviously not my memory!). Anyway, I hardly get them at all now, maybe just an odd one or two a day which I can tolerate. hope you find something that helps but the Welch's 100% Purple Grape is my answer. Good Luck XX :yesyes:

23-05-09, 19:04
im gonna definitly try that purple grape juice thanx Mhairi hopefully it will lessen mine to xxxxxx