View Full Version : Chest pains ... HELP

15-05-09, 11:15
Hi everyone .. i have suffered with anxiety since my daughter was born 8 years ago .. i have pretty much got it uder control now and not had pnic attacks for quite a few years now however my anxiety always haunts me ..

i have woken up this mornin with pains in my chest .. it kinda feels like its the muscles in my chest .. its like on both sides around the top of your rib cage .. .. i know deep down its probably just muscular has i have been feeling sick over the past few days and been sick a few times .. so it could just be that i have pulled something while being sick .. however the anxiety in the back of my head says something more serious .. i am going the doctors later this afternoon more for the piece of mind and my doctor is very good with my anxiety . however i need to calm down now .. so anyone out there who could give me a bit of advice and try and put my mind at rest .. the please help x x

Many thanks x x

15-05-09, 11:25
hi i had this a few weeks ago, and i went to a@e with it it was a pulled muscle ,so please try to relax a little , and im sure your dr will put your mind at rest let us know how you get on


Vanilla Sky
15-05-09, 11:26
It does sound like you've pulled a muscle or muscels , being sick is bad enough without all the wretching pulling your chest . Thats what the doctor will tell you. I've had the worst chest pains and i was convinced it was my heart , i just would not believe it was muscular , but that was the anxiety talking . It's only now i can rationilse symptoms, i coulnd't do that a year ago. You'll be fine hun good luck today

15-05-09, 11:29
thanks for your replys .. anxiety is a horrid visious circle .. i realy am trying to calm down . i know the more i panic about it the worst my symptons get .. grrrrr blimin thing lol x x Thanks again x x