View Full Version : So much pain, its getting me down

15-05-09, 11:30
I am getting all sorts of pains in my chest, sharp shooting pains, pinching pains etc etc, I havent felt anxious but after seeing a dr he thinks it is all anxiety, the thing is all these pains are making me feel so depressed, I have spent the last week crying, sobbing and wishing it would just all end, I dont know what to do from here, I cant keep going back to the drs as they just keep telling me the same thing and I feel as though I am wasting their time.

I have a pain now that is right above my left breast, more on the insnide and it is drving me insane and I am freaking out, I just dont know what to do anymore, the dr has assured me im not going to have a heart attack but I still dont feel good.

Does anyone else gets pains like these?

15-05-09, 11:33
pains in your chest are often a sign of anxiety , if the dr isnt worried id belive what he tells you ,i know its easier said than done and i should parctice what i preach ,if you are still concerned go back to them thats what they are there for

peppa pig
15-05-09, 11:45
hi sorry to hear how your feeling , i too are going through similar for last few weeks , back in march found lump in my breast which kicked off so much anxiety in me , got the all clear after tests etc so thought that would be the end of it but it just got worse then started with a pressure feeling under ribcage in centre to the point it was so uncomfortable i couldn't breath and the started the chest pains in my upper chest , i was convinced it was my heart , visited a&e had ecgs and chest x-rays all normal , then after several visits to my gp had echo and treadmill ecg all normal bloods etc , they told me anxiety or pulled muscle , took me another week to convince myself perhaps they were right after all , still got the pains etc but just remind myself my heart is ok and i'm sure if not after all these weeks something more serious would have happened .
i've also in between been admitted to hospital after reaction to propanaol dr gave me it for my anxiety but it caused me severe diff breathing ( rare side effect) , in hospital they firstly suspected a blood clot due to my d-dimer blood being raised at the time , so had more ecgs and ct scan , discharged 2 days later with diagnosis of anxiety !!! and reaction to propanaol . had 2 weeks off work and now feeling less anxious about it all , now trying medication for my pressure under ribcage ? acid proble although i dont suffer with acid so heres hoping xxx

15-05-09, 11:50
Thank you, I am on Omeprazole as of yesterday in the hope that my pains are acid related but I havent felt a difference yet.

My dr has told me to exercise but I dont feel ready to as I freak myself out by thinking the exercise will cause a heart attack or something, its so stupid and irrational but I cant stop it.

The Dr also mentioned a different antid that relaxes you but I cant remember what it is called.

Peppa Pig, so sorry you are going through the same/similar thing, its so frustrating thinking something is wrong when no one seems to believe you, I guess drs know what they are talking about but it doesnt make me feel any better.

Thank you replying


Vanilla Sky
15-05-09, 11:50
Hi there , Like you i went through a phase of being convinced i had a heart problem, i was never away from docs , i had afew ecg's and still didn't believe it . Anxiety is so strong and it's such a vicious circle , anxiety causes symptoms, symptoms causes more anxiety. Please believe what your doctor says , it could be a nearer step to recovery if you can just get this heart thing out of your head. I had the pain behind my left breast to , i bet if it was the right side you would't worry so much. It turned out to be the intercostal muscles with me. I still get the odd pain but i don't give it power any more and it never spirals into full blown panic, practise makes perfect just tell yourself it's not anything serious and it will pass and it does , keep doing it and it will become easier i promise you Love Paige x

peppa pig
15-05-09, 11:55
think if acid problem will take few days for medication to start working so heres hoping for us both , xxx keep me posted

15-05-09, 11:59
Thanks Paige, I know you are right and I do try, I just think I have far to much time on my hands, I spen most of my time alone as kids are at school and husband is at work, I want to get a job but my moods are all over the place and everytime I think I ma getting somewhere I seem to take a huge leap backwards.

Peppa Pig, I will keep you informed, good luck to you too.


15-05-09, 14:02
Hi Mumto2 Ive been feeling the same way as you have since December last year. Chest pain above my left breast that is sometimes dull and sometimes sharp. Went to my doctors about it had a normal ECG and bloods were all normal. But it still dont stop me worrying that i'm about to have a heart attack. Its horrible to feel like this and I absolutely hate it. My doctor has diagnosed anxiety and put me on propranolol only 20mg a day and it does seem to be making a small difference. Just wanted to let you know that your not alone in feelin like this and if your young, female with hardly any risk factors it is extremely unlikely that it is related to your heart. Just wish I could believe this myself sometimes lol.

15-05-09, 14:07
Have also spent years agonising and panicing over chest pains. Have seen cardiologist treadmill etc and been told it is not heart related. Still hard to believe at 3 am! I have also got fibromyalgia and one of the symptoms is intercostal muscle pain and specifically around the sternum which causes pain all around the chest area. Iwas a nurse for many years and did a lot of lifting which damaged chest muscles also. Heigh ho! I had the same fear of the exercise thing too but now do a bit more. I am now 65! and this has plagued me since my 20's...what a waste of energy and good years. Really hope you can get on top of this and enjoy your lovely family and perhaps a part time job too...I am sure you will. there are so many of us here who have had a problem with this and we will give you as much support as we can. XX