View Full Version : just need advice/reassurance please...

15-05-09, 12:39
i was at work yesterday and i had to be sent home early because i suddenly started feeling really ill, i felt dizzy and strange and as though i was going to faint.

i felt it hard to describe the feeling in my head. i felt as though my ears were going to pop in a sense and my head felt really tight and fuzzy.

it is still here this morning.

i also get random stabbing pains in my head, back, stomach area.



15-05-09, 13:53
The random stabbing pains all over sound like anxiety. If you have a history of anxiety and panic or have been diagnosed with such it is likely that the horrible dizziness and faint feeling is linked. I have had a few of these which I know are frightening and left me a bit 'wobbly' for a day or so. However, it is always wise if this is a 'first' to check with the doc. hope you feel better soon. X

15-05-09, 14:05
ive had these. in fact this is wot usually happens to me when im panicking, i feel dizzy and strange and wobbly and feel like im going to faint, i never have fainted. Ivehad a friend take me to hospital ive had the first aiders in asda out wheeling me around in a wheel chair. i know how u feel, i also have recenlty started having the tight fuzzy feeling in my head. if u do want to get them checked out and go the drs then i would write down the symptons youve been having bacuse if u anywhing like me i forget when i get there oh im in 2 much of a panic!

15-05-09, 14:06
ive had these. in fact this is wot usually happens to me when im panicking, i feel dizzy and strange and wobbly and feel like im going to faint, i never have fainted. Ivehad a friend take me to hospital ive had the first aiders in asda out wheeling me around in a wheel chair. i know how u feel, i also have recenlty started having the tight fuzzy feeling in my head. if u do want to get them checked out and go the drs then i would write down the symptons youve been having bacuse if u anywhing like me i forget when i get there oh im in 2 much of a panic!

15-05-09, 14:07
dont know y it came out twice

Vanilla Sky
15-05-09, 15:25
You could have an ear problem or something to do with your sinuses

16-05-09, 16:36
I think you may have an inner ear infection -- I was told my a physcial therapist who I went to see about my occasional vertigo, that it can just happen out of nowhere and can last a few days. No doubt, and when I had mine this happened to me, the more I worried about it, the worse it got. If it continues, I would certainly see your doctor in case you need any meds, but I think in a day or two you will see you are feeling better. Hugs, Wiskers ~

P.S. Benadryl -- or any antihistimine helps. It helped me immensley! But always check with your doctor or pharmacist first.