View Full Version : I need some help

26-08-05, 17:26

i am fairly new, i left a message in the introduce yourslef section on tuesday.

i have to say that this week has been completely awful and i feel so lost at the moment right now.

after my panic attack/paranoia thing on monday night i decided that i could not take anymore of the tablets that the doctor had given me (i started taking citalopram on sunday and took another on monday-just to be clear!) i spoke to the doc and he said that if i felt that was the right thing to do then i should stop.

it turns out that this week has just got more horrible for me. i am having trouble sleeping, sleeping was my escape from things and this week i fear it. last night i woke up half way across my room turning on my light shaking like a leaf, i though a spider was haging from my ceiling it was sooooo real. i ended up sleeping with the light on. earlier in the evening i was having a shower and i had the need to get out of there, i got really dizzy and thought i would pass out, not very nice at all.

i just dont know what is going on with me. today at work i had a panic attack, feeling dizzy, had to hold onto the wall to keep me upright but i carried on with my work for about 20 mins. it was the end of the day so i brought myself home. right now i just feel angry, i wanna hit stuff, i want this feeling to go away.....

basically i guess i dont know what to do for the best

i have carried on feeling rubbish even though im not on the tablets anymore, so if i had carried on taking them would i be feeling better now?!?!?

so many questions.......

i just dont know what to do for the best.....

i dont know what to do with myself.....

26-08-05, 17:35
Hi Vix,

when i first started citrolapram i felt worse for the first few days everything was heightened i felt dreadful and nearly stopped taking them, but it did stop after a couple of days, and to be honest taking them was the best thing i could have done at the time,

kairen x

26-08-05, 17:38
do you think it is worth me trying them again? and actually staying on them? how did you feel?

26-08-05, 18:08
hi Vix,

I felt awful on my meds for the first week or so but after these side-effects go, you will start to feel better. I think you should give them another go. What do you have to lose?

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

26-08-05, 19:46
Hey Vix,

It's Curly here - we've chatted a couple of times :)

Hope you're doing ok now.

I know the thought of medication is really scary but I do think if you can hack it for a few days, you will come out of the other side feeling so much better.

And remember - I'm always on MSN to talk you through the scary bits (although I don't like spiders either so I dont know how much use I will be - LOL!!!)

Speak soon - take care
Luv Curly xxx

Sue K with 5
26-08-05, 23:57
I have to say I have been on the same medication coming up for 3 years and the first five days were very difficult but I did hang it out and the benefits did outweight the bad parts I can assure you.

The symptoms you feel are all part of panic and anxiety and I do understand the part about sleeping with the light on. I did that for years in fact.

Scared to sleep, scared to be awake, just wanting inner peace with myself, and that was so hard to find.

Your entire life is consumed by these feelings and no matter how hard you try they are with you every waking moment.

But it does and it can improve, I think it would be worth you seeking further help from your doctor and taking the medication again, hang in there the benefits do outweigh I promise you

Good luck and take care

Sue with 5
