View Full Version : Lower back ache making me worry

15-05-09, 15:43
Hi since yesterday ive had really annoying lower back ache feels horrible like a fullness feeling, girlfriend said its probably a muscle strain and its got to the stage where I rang NHS direct they said the same thing cant seem to relax keep going over and over in my head could be something far worse like a infection or kidney stones :(.

16-05-09, 03:18
Hi there,
I know your mind will be racing looking for the worst case scenario but luckily, most of the time it isn't! First of all, muscle strain can cause you a lot of lower back pain. Also, if you have some sort of kidney infection than you're very likely to develop a fever and feel really poorly, and in that case you'd be treated with antibiotics which should fix the problem pretty quickly. I had a bad kidney infection once and had no lower back pain but a high fever.
Hope you've managed to relax a bit. If you still feel bad on Monday morning you should just ring up your GP and get an appointment to put your mind at ease.

16-05-09, 04:08
Just echoing what Valka said -- if you don't have a fever, your kidneys are very likely just fine. I had a kidney infection once and I had a fever, had to pee all the time, and it hurt to urinate. Pain in your back alone could be many other things -- a strained muscle is likely, especially if anxiety makes you tense up.

16-05-09, 13:58
Hey thanks for the messages back :) my girlfriend reminded me that I was lifting up her friends 3 year old she wanted to touch the ceiling I was ill with the flu at the time so I must of done some damage then lol so im gonna wait it out see how it goes.

16-05-09, 18:52
I have also had a kidney infection and it was so painful could not walk or stand up. It also hurt when going for a wee.