View Full Version : New and amazed

15-05-09, 16:43
Hi everyone,

I've never done anything like this in my life before. I stumbled across this site whilst looking for 'Panic and the Inner Monkey' by Mark Hendy but have spent the last 3 hours trawling through NMP and have already gained such a feeling of comfort by just knowing how many people feel (and suffer) the same. Its something I've never discussed with anyone - even when forced by my symptoms to go to the docs I've just asked for tryptisol 'cause thats what I was prescribed years ago and I've 'stuck with it'. I suffer more from panic attacks than anything else but it has been accompanied by depression of late - especially last October when I lost my most treasured friendship ever - my yorky-poodle cross - Molly.
I've learnt to deal with the attacks to some degree but my current problem seems insurmountable. About 18 months ago I suffered a bad attack of vertigo where the room was spinning at a rate of knots. It got worse if I laid in bed on my left side so have to sleep on my right side now. No hardship you may think but I have a very sore right ear (the specialist surgeon wanted to 'cut it out and some of the surrounding tissue') and I havn't been back since needless to say. Now every time I lay down I suffer a dizzy spell after about 10-20 seconds which only lasts about 5 seconds but is very uncomfortable. I am terrified of lying on my left side in case the room starts spinning so I just have to put up with the pain from a sore ear. I am fairly convinced that its caused by my neck problems (i.e. its much worse if I look up) thanks to months of chiropractic treatment some years ago but I have noticed how many people suffer from dizzy spells when in a state of panic and its got me thinking. Anyway, enough 'grumping' from me for my first ever post but would be interested to hear from others if the room really spins fast when having an attack or whether its just general dizziness. Very much look forward to chatting with some of you about past experiences and how we've coped in our different ways. I'm off now to read some of the amazing poetry on this site.:blush:

15-05-09, 17:19

Welcome to the site, I read your post with interest as I too suffer with this problem only difference is I have to sleep on the left side, it was this problem that really started my panic disorder off.

I think you will find some good advice and support on this site.

Take care


15-05-09, 17:48
Pity we can't exchange ears - then we'd both get a good nights sleep! Would be very interested to hear more of your problem if you have time. Many thanks for reply.

15-05-09, 17:57
Hi Tetley,
Thanks for reply. What a fabulous site this is - feel quite at home already. I'm sure Alfie was as super, super special as Molly was but how to cope with this pain and guilt. Suppose time is a great healer although feel at the moment that it will take at least the next 100 years.

15-05-09, 18:19
Hi Topcoats

I don't actually get a sore ear but I do get a stiff hip by not changing sides.

I will pm you sometime and we can swap stories.


Captain America
15-05-09, 19:38
i had this. first was the big spinning moment where i hit the floor. then i spent a few days where i couldn't look down. then i'd have the sleep on one side thing.
i went to my gp, whe referred me to an ent, who sent me to a physical therapist (8 weeks had passed by now with no improvement). the physical therapist then did a series of head movements on me, told me not to do certain movements for 24 hours, and i was better but not cured.

so i did it myself at home lying on my bed and cured myself completely. i believe it was the epley maneuver or some variation of it. i had tried it at home myself before going the dr. and it didn't work...i was doing it on the reverse side!

anyway, i didn't have the classic bpv (benign positional vertigo) because they say that typically starts after a fall. but, they did the head thing and it cured me, so i'm just happy about that.

15-05-09, 22:30
Hello and Welcome to NMP , glad you found the site , take care,:welcome: d x