View Full Version : feeling really down

15-05-09, 17:38
hey everyone. today i'm really worried coz i have heartburn and a weird acid taste in mouth and throat which is really freaking me out. any ideas what could of caused it? and how to get rid of it? could it be serious?

also my mum has a drinking problem and she's p****d now and i don't really know how to deal with it anymore. she got up today and started drinking. any advice? so that's making me feel really down as well.

Please reply
Luv Louise

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House fan
15-05-09, 17:46
Hi Louise

I'm sorry to hear that you are going through a rough time. Unfortunately, I can't really offer any advice regarding your mum, although I can appreciate just how difficult it must be for you.

You have acid reflux, and should start taking a course of Omeprazole (20 mg). These meds work by stopping the body produce excess acid, and you will find relief from your symptoms after 3 or 4 days.


15-05-09, 17:51
rennie, gaviscon, anything like that will also clear the symptoms a bit, have you eaten anything spicy ? sorry to hear about your mum aswell

15-05-09, 18:00
nah, havn't really eaten anything today apart from lunch. can stress cause these kind of symptoms?

15-05-09, 18:14
Stress can cause acid indigestion but equally it could be your diet that needs looking at.

15-05-09, 18:32
Can't inerfere but your mum has a problem and definatly needs help. I have suffered with alcohol and can relate that she probably isn't aware that its so bad. Call AA (Alcoholics Annonomus) explain and ask them for advise. They are great. won't judge just help.
I think others have talked about you about your indigestion. They know more about it that i.

15-05-09, 20:14
i think everyones right about the indigestion and acid reflux. I grew up in an alcoholic family, i know what its like to have their burdens placed on you, in addition to AA i just wanted to mention al-anon or al-ateen, its a support group for family members of alcoholics, its AMAZINGLY supportive and helfpful, when you grow up in a home like that you need recovery too, not just the alcoholic. pm me if you want to talk about it, I and my husband both grew up in homes like that and so I know a lot about what it feels like. I really think it has so much to do with my anxiety.