View Full Version : Lump in my finger is it cancer?

15-05-09, 17:42
Hi everyone. Today I have had a mass panic. I was driving this morning and my right index finger felt a little sore, on the palm side just in the fleshy part on the first of the three sections of your finger, near the palm. I felt it, as you do, and I felt a small, tender little lump. It felt sore like it was bruised, but this little lump is there and I am so afraid its a form of cancer. I have tried to keep calm about it, but I am seriously freaked out! I couldn't rush down to the docs, as its hardly an emergency, so will have to wait until next week sometime. Anyone have any advice. I don't know how long its been there and it is tiny, but now I have found it I keep feeling to see if its got bigger or gone. Help!

House fan
15-05-09, 17:53
Hi Jessie

No need to worry, a cancerous lump is not tender or sore to touch. You have probably been bitten by an insect, or have a small infection. Either way, it's not serious and 100% not cancer.

Hope you have a good weekend.


15-05-09, 17:54
It is not cancer it could be a callous or a wart or just hard skin so don't panic over nothing.

15-05-09, 18:05
Thanks for your replies. I really hope you are right. Its not on or in the skin, its definitely underneath. The skin is fine, I can see a tiny bluish colour over the area of the lump, I thought maybe a some sort of inner bruise, but I havn't done anything to hurt it. Have been putting ice on in the hope it goes down!! Lumps terrify me. My sister had cancer some years ago.

15-05-09, 18:48
It is an emergency if its bothering you so much. You need reasurance. Go to the docs. It probably is only just a bump or bruse and will heal itself. If its bothering you so much. Go find out.

15-05-09, 19:53
Hey girl..it could be a little burst blood vessel that's maybe just swelled a bit..We can do things to ourselves and not even know.

You see the bruises I get and have no idea what happened and no,not drunk! ;)

15-05-09, 20:09
It sounds like a ganglion that is a fluid filled cyst that is totally harmless and you can get them anywhere a tendon runs as its a bit like a blow out in a inner tube and the blow out fills with synovial fluid that surround the tendon.
I had one in exact same spot as you on 4th ring finger of right hand - it was right in bend of finger and palm and very painful if I pressed on it - I had to stop wearing rings and not press on steering wheel when I was driving - about size of a pea. I had it for 2 years then it literally disappeared on day never to come back and that was 10 yrs ago