View Full Version : The falling asleep feeling and dp

26-08-05, 17:40
Just a quick question really. I have realised lately that dp is always worse when Im tired. If Iv been overdoing it etc.

My question is, does anyone get strange runaway thoughts when falling asleep. You have no control over these thoughts at all. Just at the point when I start to feel sleep come on, this happens to me. I can be thinking something really normal...like what I plan to do the next day...and suddenly my thoughts go all weird and I start to think strange things uncontrollably.

Also, does this happen in the day when you are wide awake. I can be sitting there quite normally, watching tv or in the garden, and this happens. Almost as if my brain is trying to go to sleep.

So, I was wondering if this has anything to do with dp. Just a thought!

Sorry, this turned out to be longer than I thought!!

Jude x

Be gentle with yourself....you just need some time to heal.

26-08-05, 18:20
I get this as well Jude. Lots of weird thoughts enter my head as I'm falling asleep. I don't really have dp - just anxiety so I always thought it was that. It can be unpleasant but I normally make myself think of something nice. Your brain can't think of 2 things at once!!

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

26-08-05, 21:39
I get the weird random thoughts as I'm falling asleep too, like my brain is already in dream mode or something. I don't get dp anymore but had it a few years ago.My husband gets the thoughts when falling asleep too and he never gets anxiety so I guess it's normal.
Take care,

26-08-05, 23:54

It happens a swe move from conciousness to semi conciouness - sleepy state.

Thoughts are fine - many people talk gibberish too ..


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

27-08-05, 14:24
Hi Jude

I used to get this alot when falling asleep, sometimes during the day as well.



27-08-05, 15:35
Hi Jude

I get that way too , my anxiety rises up when I am tired, therefore I feel more unreal.
I tend to have unwanted thoughts too, when I start to fall asleep , like weird intrusive thoughts... Can be frightening, huh? You wonder if you're losing the plot.


*He who loses money, loses much; He who loses a friend, loses much more, He who loses faith, loses all.*

17-04-10, 18:31
man...this happens to me..every night for over a week...Its really disturbing..I get the most weird, surreal, nonsensical thoughts/images...And I have absolutely no control over it!!

Kinda interesting...The brain I mean...Makes me wanna study neurology!

17-04-10, 19:27
I get this too, weird thoughts etc, and sometimes when I fall asleep I will wake up less than half an hr later and I'll be seeing things, which is scary to say the least! I went through a phase where I just couldnt shut off, even to the point where pathetic things, like a song would keep going round and round in my head.. Annoying or what!!

17-04-10, 20:36
I experienced this before & during my trauma based therapy. I found listening to classical music or a sound machine helped, this has sounds of sea, waves, rainforest etc.
Having worked through some of my trauma it is happening less.

17-04-10, 21:27
Yes, thats happened to me a few times.Also its fairly common to suddenly hear random phrases or words as if from snippets of conversation which often make no sense at all.