View Full Version : Nose pain and face pain really bad....

15-05-09, 18:01
Back again, fed up and in agony. I can't understand why the docs can't find anything wrong with me, and why they can't give me anything to dull the pain.

It has been really bad these past few weeks. The acupuncture set it off I think, and I am hoping it is going to help in the long run, but I am struggling to cope with the pain.

The weather isn't helping either. It always seems worse when the weather is stormy, or it's trying to rain.

The pain is throbbing in my nose, constantly. Pain in my forehead and pain behind the back of my right ear.

This has been going on for year and a half now, have had ct scans and an mri brain scan which did not uncover anything.

Does anyone have any ideas what I can take for the pain as it incapacitates me :weep: :weep: :weep:

15-05-09, 20:16
Hve you asked your Dr to refer you to a pain clinic. Just because a cause cannot be found does not mean that you cannot see a pain specialist as they are not so much interested in the cause of your pain but in what to do to help you. There is usually a few months wait but it could be worth it.

15-05-09, 20:38
I agree with countrygirl petal, the pain is real no matter the cause and there is a thing called pain management which helps with dealing daily with well,pain..

Pain relief though,I would suggest Solphadeine plus soluble tablets..you can take 2 dissolved in water every 4 hours and no more than 8 a day but you cant really take them for a long time as they can actually in th elong term caus headaches and constipaiton but they work rather fast and could maybe give you a littel reliefe til you find a solution to your problem hun.

Do you have allergies? Can they not see trapped nerves or anything maybe? I remember my mum was in excruciating pain a few years back and she had trapped nerves in her stomach that had happened when she coughed the wrong way when she had a chest infeciton.

I wish I wa smore help hun

22-05-09, 00:13
You are all of help. Thank you all for your kind words.
The pain is so bad :( I have been to the pain management clinic in Feb, the consultant drew me a graph about how paracetamol work and told me to take them, I said they didn't work and he said they always work. The acupuncture came out of the pain clinic as an alternative, but i don't think it is working.
I have had 2 ct scans of my sinuses and head, one mri of head and face, neck physio, tried lots of pills, hopi ear candles. It is the thought of having this pain everyday forever more. I can't cope with it and it makes me so miserable. People around me must be so fed up of me.
The doc said it couldn't be nerve pain as this wouldn't be continuous - vary at different intensities and would be brought on by touch instead of just randomly..... so fed up

26-05-09, 15:15
More acupuncture, no relief. The acupuncturist said she thought ENT hadn't done a good job. I am going to have to give up work, I can't go on like this....everything is rubbish, all that time studying, and now waste of time.

26-05-09, 18:31
I hope this isnt a stupid question, but i had similar pain for about three months and it cleared up with flonase, a steroid spray that took awhile to work and also have allegra pills with pretty much dry you up immediately and take away sinus pain.
It sounds like you really have been through the ringer, but have you asked about those types of meds? Just sounds so much like the pain I felt.
Hope you feel better.

26-05-09, 19:15
I haven't tried those and I will ask. I had beconase, not sure if it is similar. Thanks for your kind words. xxx

01-06-09, 10:05
Well, yet again I am stuck in bed, suffering with this pain. The acupuncture has given me no relief, the pain is so intense. What is causing it. How can the doctors say there is nothing wrong. I feel like my life is over

01-06-09, 10:18
I am so so sorry you are suffering this hun. Honestly.

Where does the pain ""seem" to originate from? If you felt sinus type pain could try the steam with the crystals and bend your head over and breathe it in,..this is gonna be stupid maybe but do you have wisdom teeth? when i had some coming through,my face was in agony,and couldnt tell where it was coming from,had sore neck,jaw,head,ear,the works..

Jay Chal
01-06-09, 12:23
Sorry to hear you're in such a lot of pain and seemingly getting no answers as to what's causing it.

Have you considered going to your dentist and asking him / her to xray your mouth to see if there's anything there that's causing the problem? I'm asking this because I had pain on one side of my face for almost 3 years - terrible ear pain, pain in my cheek, in my nose, in my head and in my neck. I was convinced that it had all started with an ear infection that turned me almost deaf for several weeks.

Anyway, to cut a very long story short, it turned out that I had stones in one of my saliva glands right next to my ear - after it came out (bit scary 'cos i didn't know what was happening) the pain disappeared within days and 'touch wood' hasn't returned. There is a very simple test that the dentist can do to find out if that is your problem. Since you've tried everything else to find out what's causing your pain, it might be an idea to maybe speak to your dentist and see what he/she thinks?

hope you find out soon what it is and get some treatment - long term unexplained pain can be both physically and mentally draining.


Jay :)

03-06-09, 11:30
That's it, draining! I feel so drained of life. Sounds dramatic I know, but I am so depressed as my life feels miserable, I can't do the things I used to do, I can't plan anything and I feel so unhappy :(
The acupuncturist called a Chinese Acupuncture specialist into the room this week and added some different needle points, but it was my last session anyway, so not sure it will make a difference. I just wish I could feel normal again. I want to have a baby, but feel I can't as I am so ill all the time it wouldn't be fair and how could I cope with a baby as well. Why is this happening to me