View Full Version : bone/bump behind my ear

15-05-09, 18:57
so when i put my fingers behind each of my ears, there is a big bone that sticks out behind my left one, but it isn't there on the right side!! on the right, it is much more flat. i am worried about this - it makes me feel like there must be a tumor inside my head that is pushing my skull out on one side. i don't even know if this is possible but i'm refusing to google. please help - does anyone else have this??!?!

15-05-09, 19:00
hi are you sure its a bone and not a spot as ive had these before ,dont google and if your worried always best to see dr to put your mind at rest but it doesnt sound like cancer

15-05-09, 19:01
It's just your glands i have one too

15-05-09, 19:14
Hey you,I posted about this not long ago actually!!

It was a little lump,maybe pea sixed and when I pressed on it it felt "veiny" if that makes sense..I thought aswell that I had tumour but I forced myself not to google and to leave it a few days and then if it didn't go away would go to docs but it went away..I think you have little glands and stuff round there and down your neck etc.

:hug: Please don't worry love


15-05-09, 19:56
thanks for your replies guys - but i'm positive it is a bone. it feels like one, is shaped like one, and it's sort of like connected to my head, if that makes sense. for once in my life, i'm not worried that something is a lump! i know it is a bone, i am just wondering if anyone else has an asymmetrical skull?? i am scared that if my head is not symmetrical, that could mean that i have a tumor or something that is "pushing" it to one side. does that make sense?!

15-05-09, 20:03
Aw I know what you mean. My neck actually looks asymetrical like if you felt down round the way a doc checks your glands,my right side feels "indented" ..that same side feels heavier also compared to my right side and sometimes is crosses my mind that it could have been cause by a bad accidnet when I was a kid...in school there was really heavy doorss and my head got jammed in them when a gus tof wind blew them open..

But that has been yeeeeeeeeeeears and I'm still ticking away :)

15-05-09, 21:39
dont forget... not all bodies are symmetrical. i had a similar worry. i have a rib on the right of my chest that sticks out, which doesnt on the left. went to the docs and asked if it was bone cancer..... it wasnt... it was juat a bone x

15-05-09, 22:01
my boyfriend has one too and I am always asking him about it but he said he's had it for years and years.

15-05-09, 23:28
If it is the bone on the back of the skull, behind the ears, then I have it too and strangely enough, the one the left side does feel slightly larger than the right side. I have always thought it was normal to be honest.

16-05-09, 02:51
I have a big, hard lump behind my left ear and have had it since I was a kid. My mum took me to our GP at the time and it was some perfectly harmless tissue thing. It kind of goes up and down but it's always there. I'm sure there's nothing to worry about :)

16-05-09, 16:52
My bone on the right side behind ear is larger than on the left. Quite common and normal even! Don't worry

Possible Osteoma
20-06-14, 23:04
Hi I also have a bony lump behind my left ear that I have had since I was about 18 and is slowly growing.
I have had CT scans and X-rays which have shown it to be a solid mass. I was referred to a Neuro surgeon last week, he has advised that it is a benign tumor in the bone - it's name is an Osteoma. I have since done further research to find that it is a mastoid osteoma - this is a very rare condition, however it is not life threatening but as I wear glasses it rubs and feels uncomfortable - it is also uncomfortable to sleep on my left hand side. The Osteoma can be surgically removed under a general anasthetic and should not grow back. Possible side affect from the surgery might be temporary deafness for a few days due to the drills etc used being so close to the ear. If the Osteoma is left it will continue to slowly grow which could eventually impact on my hearing anyway. I am going to have mine removed.

21-06-14, 21:56
I have the exact same thing.... And had about 5 different doctors check it lol turned out it was a bone from my neck which just sticks out more at one side..... I had an mri for other reasons which confirmed that's what it was :) xXx