View Full Version : Headache Poll

15-05-09, 19:17
I've noticed that several of us have been suffering with headaches recently and panicking that we have brain tumours. I'm attempting to do a poll (sorry if it doesn't work!) to try and see where people's headaches are on their head. Just for comparison really...thanks!

15-05-09, 19:57
Hiya Rach

I'm not one to suffer headaches but last night i had the most painful 'shot' of pain go through the right side of my head...it was awful and sent me into a panic:weep: It wasn't a headache just pain that went as soon as it came, it was really scary.


Trish x

15-05-09, 20:14
i suffer from many, many different types of headaches all the time :(
i just want them to go so i can accept it's all mental and not a serious problem!

15-05-09, 21:38
got a headache like a sort of pressure in head and around sides of face and nose feels horrible still worried about brain problems despite heving normal ct scan and normal eeg very wierd.

16-05-09, 01:40
i get occasional stabbing pains, mainly on the right side. other times, the entire right side hurts, or the entire head.. then the shooting pains move around sometimes. when i focus on it, it gets worse and worse. i also can feel my pulse in my temple but only on the right said, anyone else get this?

17-05-09, 22:05
I dont get headaches very often, mostly hormonal migraines. But on the ocassions I do get a head ache it is like Im wearing a hat thats far too tight, if that makes any sense?

17-05-09, 22:07
I`ve had a headache every day now since July07.
Most days the pain is 3-4 but thats only because I take Diamox to control the pressure,even then I sometimes get headaches that are unbearable.

When I first started with Intercranial Hypertension the headaches where on the right side of my head,mainly it was thought because my right eye optic nerve was swollen(papilledema)now I get them all over the place so voted to a combination.:ohmy:

18-05-09, 07:09
wait.. talking head.. what do you mean exactly?

08-06-09, 18:04
i also can feel my pulse in my temple but only on the right said, anyone else get this?
I can sometimes feel my pulse in my temples, sometimes not. I can always feel a very strong pulse in my jugular vein (thank God!). I often cannot feel my or anyone else's pulse in the wrists. It is normal to be able to feel your own pulse, this stuff is being pumped through our bodies under extreme pressure.

magpie girl
09-06-09, 19:37
i have had one for a few months now but its only on the right side of my head,its driving me mad

15-06-09, 18:45
i have had one for 8 days solid, feel awful, ive convinced myself its a brain tumour, i keep doing silliy things like leaving my keys in the door or losing my phone, its really getting me down, im at the lowest of the low at the moment :(

15-06-09, 19:05
Have you been to the doctors to get checked out? I get headaches when I'm dehydrated and that makes me forgetful and scatty too.

I have a headache that has lasted on and off for 2 months now and my doctor has said it's viral.

Did you know that a headache is one of the least common symptoms of a brain tumour - about 0.5% of people with diagnosed brain tumours cite headaches as a symptom. So please try not to worry but go and see your doctor to get checked out. The stress of worry will keep your headache hanging around.


18-06-09, 09:56
I often got headache's, but they always went fairly quickly. I got one 4 weeks ago and it hasn't gone. Painkillers don't help and I wasn't able to concentrate on anything. I went to the doc and he did a full check up. Its a tension headache caused by stress (prob about worrying about the headache!!!) Its very annoying, but i'm not worried about it now!

18-06-09, 09:57
o - and its everywhere, behind my eyes, down the side of my face, top of my head, back of my head - I chose combination!

19-06-09, 13:00
got a headache like a sort of pressure in head and around sides of face and nose feels horrible still worried about brain problems despite heving normal ct scan and normal eeg very wierd.
hi do you still feel the pressure because i have got similar symtoms i had blood test and eeg but nothing . feeling a bit worried as i went to osteopath and she told me my scalp was very tense and recommended to see a doctor. I now very worried about brain tumour.

23-06-09, 01:22
Whenever I get headaches it's typically at the base of my skull. I also get neck/shoulder aches pretty bad (mostly on my left side). I think my headaches are mostly related to tired muscles. I get sinus headaches too, but only when I'm sick or my allergies are real bad.

23-06-09, 06:40
I get migraines and i have had them on and off for the last two days and it ruined my weekend. Normally I find that putting a cold flannel on your forehead helps. I used to suffer from headaches more frequently especially during the summer and used to constantly think i had a brain tumour.