View Full Version : I keep hearing ringing....Is it to do with citalopram?

15-05-09, 19:36
For the past few days I am convinced I can hear my phone ringing or my mobile ringing and its not. I really can hear it though.Its not the neighbours phone either as we are detached. I have just heard my mobile go again as though it were in another room, but its not, its here by my side. It lasts for a few moments and is a definite buzzing ringing noise. My mobile has a similar sound.
I read that taking citalopram can cause tinnitus but I am not sure if what I am experiencing is tinnitus and I dont want to google it really.
Has anyone else experienced this? Its beginning to drive me mad....or maybe I already am??? :wacko:

16-05-09, 11:07
Hi Poppy,

I am also on Citalopram, and sometimes I hear noises in my ears like ringing noises, and also and see things moving at the side of my eyes. I believe Citalopram can cause these symptoms. I hope that doesn't put you off taking Citalopram. All medications can give you some side-effects.

Best wishes,

16-05-09, 12:17
Hi Keith! :)
Thanks for your reply. I see 'things' out of the corner of my eyes too - dark shapes - plus I used to at one point see what looked like the shape of a black dog!
The ringing is not always constant but it is there on and off.
It wont put me off taking citalopram because they are helping me despite the few odd days when I have blips.
How long have you been taking them for? and do you find that they have helped you?

16-05-09, 12:20
Hi Poppy

I get it as well as a wooshing sound, I am going to the ENT today so I will let you know what they say.

Hope you are o.k?


16-05-09, 12:26
Hi Sharona! :)
Thanks for your reply. Do you get it as well then? I am glad I am not alone -although I am not glad that you have what you have!
I have never had this before and it doesn't bother me too much - just as long as I don't get it all the time. Its a really loud buzzing noise sometimes...like my phone is ringing, but its not. Its really strange.
I hope you get everything sorted out for you at the ENT. It would be great if you could let me know what happens for you.
All the best!

16-05-09, 13:46
Either it's side effects from citalopram or your house is haunted -- by a ghostly mobile phone!! :D

16-05-09, 19:28
Hi Poppy

I went to ENT, not sure what it is as they could not find anything wrong. Did you know that some AD,s can cause tinitus which is what I think it is.

Had a full examanation and ear test, I have to have a MRI scan which I am glad about but a bit scared just to put my mind at rest. He could not give me any explanation. I even told him I thought it might be the seroxat making it worse, as I had it before I started on them. He looked up the side effects but said he could not see that it said that anywhere.

So don,t worry about it, I am sure its anxiety.



16-05-09, 20:09
It could also be an auditory hallucination -- Poppy has told us she sometimes "sees" things -- hallucinations are a supposedly rare side effect of citalopram. Not everyone has heard of auditory hallucinations. They're pretty much the same thing.

16-05-09, 21:03
Hi Sharona :)
Thanks for your reply. I am glad it all went well for you at the ENT. What happens now though? do you just have to put up with the noise you get in your ears? or ?
Do you think then that it could be related to the anti depressants?
I think it probably is medication related because I never had it before I started it. I can cope with it, but its annoying and I hope it eventually goes. I hope it goes for you too.
Thank you for letting me know what happened. :hugs:

16-05-09, 21:15
Hi Poppy

I think he suggested a MRI scan as he could see I was a bit worried, I think its one of those symptoms you just have to put up with. I will obviuosly let you know what happens but I do not think its anything to worry about. I always think the worst.

Thanks for the replies

Sharona :hugs:

16-05-09, 22:15
You mean I can see things out my ears, Poet??? :scared15::unsure:

16-05-09, 22:18
It's probably your "I haven't read my PMs again" detector ;)

16-05-09, 23:24
:blush: Have checked them now. I cant see my inbox but have now just moved the arrow down so its no longer hidden and I can see it.... :doh:

17-05-09, 00:45
Hi Poppy,

I have been on Citalopram for over three years now. I take 60msg of Citalopram a day now, and up to now I feel a lot better. I haven't self- harmed for about two years now. I feel a different person and also glad to be alive. When I look back over the years now, I can't believe some of the things I have done to myself. I feel a different person and enjoying life. Don't get me wrong there are some days when I don't always feel that good, but nothing like what I was like years ago. Before I went on Citalopram I was on Fluexutine for about two years.

Wish you well,

17-05-09, 00:47
It's funny, if you look up "auditory hallucinations" on Wikipedia it talks about brain lesions and psychosis but does not mention that it can be part of the side effects of medications... the good old internet, still trying to scare people silly after all these years.

17-05-09, 12:59
I suffer from tinnitus for the last 3 years and it does get worse when I´m stressed. It started when I lost my job. I started on citalopram 3 months ago. Last friday I went to see a healer (Osteomyologist) and besides feeling much better since then my Tinnitus disappeared almost completely...hopefully it will last.. :)
thinking of leaving citalopram, it helps but it wasn´t helping that much for me and leaves me sleepy and tired..

17-05-09, 23:05
Hello Keith :)
Thank you for your reply.I am so glad you are feeling much better than what you were. It sounds like you have done really well and I am glad that the tablets work for you and that you are now enjoying life. I am sorry too for what you have been through in the past. It sounds like you have had a tough time. I hope that you continue to feel much better.
Thank you for your advice.

Blooming -Thank you for your reply. :) I am sorry to hear you have had tinnitus for 3 years :scared15: How did you cope with it!
I am glad the treatment you are having is now helping. What does the healer actually do? It sounds interesting.
Are you coming off medication altogether or trying another type? I find citalopram makes me tired and sleepy too.

19-05-09, 01:29
Hi there

Yes I to get ringing in the ears since taking Citalopram. I notice it being worse in the morning when Im in bed and at night.
Ive now been off the Citalopram for 11 days and I still get the ringing in the ears. Its not a problem I just get used to it now. Im hoping it will pass as time goes by.

19-05-09, 21:35
Hi John :)
Thank you for the reply. The ringing in my ears is worse in the mornings and especially at night, too. I hope it soon goes!
I hope yours goes too for you.
How are you feeling now that you are off citalopram?

Lion King
27-05-09, 23:05
Hi Poppy,

today is the first day I have experienced the ringing in my ears, it didn't last for long so I wasn't too worried about it, I think there maybe a connection with jaw clenching from increased anx from Cit.

Lion King