View Full Version : Hello, newbie here....

15-05-09, 19:56
Hi there

I only found out yesterday from another forum that your site existed and so I had a look around and decided today to join you. My name is Gill :)

My lovely mum passed away at the beginning of 2007 which affected me very badly although at the time I thought I coped fine. I had time off work for the funeral etc and felt ok to go back after 10 days or so. I was fine throughout that year getting on with everything as normal until the very last day when I suddenly became unwell and I collapsed. After the collapse I tried to get on as normal but I found that when walking between jobs my legs would go to jelly, I would get shortness of breath and my heart would be racing so I went to my doctor who seemed to think it was due to mum's passing but I thought it couldn't be as I was fine, why did it take near on 12 months to suddenly come on me?

I was a nervous wreck. I couldn't go out without hubby, everywhere I went it felt like the world was closing in on me. Just when I think yeah I'm ok today, I go out with hubby and we get so far when another panic attack would occur and so we would have to go back home here I felt safe so I could lie down and let it pass.

I was given Mirtazapine 15mg going up in the end to the max dose of 45mg and eventually I did start to feel that I could go back outside on my own so I went back to work. Things were fine until I had that one panic attack which was a bad one, worse than all of the others that I've had. I felt like collapsing once again and managed to get to a wall where I could rest and phone hubby to come and get me. I felt like people where staring at me while I was waiting for him it was horrible.

I have had counselling which was good, so good that I decided to come off my meds which brings me to the present day. I've gone back on them as I was beginning to have the PA's again when walking on my own. It got so bad this time round that I'm off work again and until this week I felt I couldn't be left alone in the house and I couldn't even go to the end of the path outside our home.

I'm now feeling a bit better. I'm now on Trazodone (75mg) as I lost weight when off the Mirtazapine and when I was put back on them I gained over 7lbs in one week so I asked for a change. These new meds are fine, am having no problem with side effects and am losing weight steadily. I still feel I can't go walking on my own like I did before though, I feel I will never be that same person again who was free to go about as she please, who could go walking for miles, who could use public transport without worrying about anything happening to her. Will I ever be the same again? In my head I think yes I can but thinking and doing are two very different things and I'm finding it hard to make that step once again.

I'm sorry for such a long post, didn't know how to condense it.

Thanks for reading, Gill xx

15-05-09, 20:28
Thank you tetley, why I joined too was not just because it's a very good and informative website/forum but that you had a chat room so I'm looking forward to meeting yourself and other members there too.

Gill xx

15-05-09, 21:47
hi there im new too but thought i would say hello and send some :hugs: really sorry to hear about your mum. There is some lovely people that are on here, and you are probably like me wanting to make new friends and get advice and support

I suffer from anxiety and depression. Its been worse recently as ive had PND(postnatal depression) all intermingled with it since having my little man 5 months ago

Jn xxxxxx

15-05-09, 22:42
Hello and Welcome to NMP , lots of help advice and understanding here, sorry to hear about your mum , yes you will feel better again , glad you found the site , take care,:welcome: d x

15-05-09, 23:10
Hi Gill,
I'm new to this and only joined today but just wanted to say so sorry about your Mum and yes you will be the same again. Hope we get to talk more in the chat room so take care. :bighug1:

16-05-09, 05:19
Hey Gill,

I'm really sorry for your loss.
I know it seems like the worst thing in the world now, but life will get better
everything passes in time with the right help,
I'm really sorry to hear you are finding things so hard.
I am agoraphobic and cant leave the house alone, i also have social phobia and am scared of what strangers think.
But remember that's all they are stranger's, so if you panic or find things hard trust me most people are so oblivious to you that they probably wont even notice you, but because your worried how you look and feel you assume they will see that too but trust me they dont.

I really do hope you feel better soon and get life back on track the way you want it.

Gem xx

16-05-09, 13:47
Thank you so much everyone for such a lovely warm welcome, for the sympathies re losing my mum and for the lovely hugs too :)

To beaniepudblue: I'm so sorry to hear you have PND as well as anxiety/depression too, sending you big :hugs: hun. It must be so tough for you coping with everything as well as having a 5 month old to look after. I'm looking forward to making new firends on here so hope we can chat sometime soon.

Gem: I was beginning to feel agoraphobic myself but I'm hoping that I can move on without the anxiety/depression going that far. At this moment in time I'm trying to be more positive by telling myself that I can go out on my own but I still feel sick at the thought of walking down to the end of our road. Sending you big :hugs: hun, hope you are well today. Thank you so much for the good advice too.

Take care all, Gill xx