View Full Version : Burning sensation in arms/legs

15-05-09, 21:23
Here I go again with over analysing!!! Today I have convinced myself I have leukamiea as I have burning sensation in arms and legs and my legs feel very weak and have had a lot of pain in my right leg this week. Also had a sore throat on and off for 3 weeks. Had blood tests for other things not so long ago and were all normal so try to tell myself they would have found leukamiea from any blood test but then in next second I am telling myself how could they as not testing for it and getting in a real state!! arghhhhhhhh!!!

Does any one else have this burning feeling? Or feel like you have something different wrong with you every week?

Few days ago I was convinced I had bowel cancer as been very bloated and pain in abdomen. Its never ending!

Sometime If u hear about someone having something then I convince myself I could have it? Does anyone else do this?

I have been doing really well too until I made the mistake of googling for IBS and bowel cancer was on one of the links and I looked at it and needless to say I was off again:weep:


27-10-10, 14:36
I am having exactly the same stuff going on with me that you are having. My symptoms just started about 2 weeks ago, and I am totally freaking myself out with looking up symptoms and what not. I have been to the doctor and he said that most of the symptoms that I have can be attributed to stress/panic attacks. For a few days after he told me that I felt better, but for some reason I still feel like something isn't right, and I am not sure why.

Just to list the stuff that I am dealing with atm:

Weakness / tenderness in both my arms, both upper and lower. Pain behind both shin bones and for the past few days, pain in my left knee. Tingly feelings in a few fingers. Pain in my lower left abdomen and a mild case of upset stomach/loss of appetite. Mild headache that has persisted for about a week.

I have been into the Doctor within the past 2 days because I have feeling light headed, and also had a feeling of confusion/forgetfullness, and my GP/PCP sent me in because he wanted me to get a brainscan as a precautionary measure. I got in and the Dr sat me down and checked my pulse and listened to my heart and lungs, and asked me some routine questions about my general health, and if I had other things going on that were causing me to stress out. I told him about the other stuff and he told me that he was pretty sure that was the reason why I was having all the wierd head issues, and that I seemed perfectly fine. That made me feel better about the whole head issue, but I am still unresolved about the other stuff. :unsure:

27-10-10, 16:10
I get burning legs and arms, never heard they were symptoms of leukemia though, are you just being overly anxious or did you read that somewhere?

27-10-10, 17:09
You sound a lot like me at the moment and I have been told it is all to do with a virus I had a few weeks ago. Rest rest rest and try to take heart in the fact that your blood tests were normal - leukemia would have shown up even if they weren't looking for it.

15-01-11, 17:11
HI there,
I have ad a long struggle with this... 4 years ago i started to get this burning in my arms and legs , other symptoms that I developed were aches, nauseousness,heavyness in arms and legs, brain foggy/mushy, hard to talk (took to much energy), hard to concentrate, lower back pain, shivers, sweating, glazed over eyes, cold hands and feet. It was even hard to go to get up to go to the washroom. I went to cardiologists, neurologists, endocrinologist, and many other specialists .My results all came back fine except for my heart rate would keep dropping when i stand. I then went to to the mayo clinic because I was misdiagnosed with addisons disease. The mayo clinic took me off of the cortisone and put me on mesinon (a drug that strenghtens your muscles) and I did a lot of cardiac rehab. I did get better and now living 90% of my optimal potential with a few relapses now and then. I am now 32 and it has been a great 2 years. I would just say be careful what your doctors tell you because they are not always right.