View Full Version : teeth anxiety - please help

15-05-09, 22:06
I've suffered every form of hypochondria in the past, but I never thought it would be my teeth next!

My boyfriend told me he has gum disease, and I have exactly the same symptoms: bleeding gums when I brush and floss, plaque around the edges of my teeth etc. For the last few days I haven't been able to sleep because I've been worrying so much, feeling sick and alone, far too scared to go to the dentist, have been crying a lot and feel really stressed.

I know that part of it is stress because of exams but I just keep going over the same thoughts again and again, worrying my teeth with fall out, worrying they'll look diseased and horrible, hating myself for not having gone to the dentist in 2-3 years etc. I'm only 21 so I keep thinking I'm so young to have horrible teeth and gums...

Has anyone got some advice or help or any kind of reassurance? I think this is particularly bad because firstly I've never been anxious about my teeth before (although had everything else! Throat, stomach, head, glands, eyes, back etc etc) so I don't know how to deal with it and also because I know this is a stressful time for me in general. Anything to help me relax and get some perspective would be wonderful.

Thanks x x x

15-05-09, 23:24
Hello , You probably havent got much wrong with your gums at all , dont brush to harshly and floss gently too , you probably need to see your dentist to get a check up and the plaque removed , explain when you go how anxious you feel and you will feel so much better afterwards , if you can afford an electric toothbrush they are brilliant and are not harsh on the teeth , once you try them , you will be amazed at how good they are , take care , try not to worry, d x