View Full Version : Adrenal Gland lesions

15-05-09, 22:16
Anyone have any idea what this is and is it something to worry about?

I won't Google till I get replies here. I do not suffer HA but just interested in any replies.


15-05-09, 22:51
Hi Nicola
I know a teeny bit about the adrenal glands due to my kidney problems. I researched everything on kidneys and the adrenal glands when I first found out something was wrong with me. I was initially led to believe it was due to my adrenal glands and of course I googled back then :lac:
I do know now that it is very very rare to get anything serious like cancer of the adrenal glands and other things can go wrong with our adrenal glands which are not always necessarily serious.
I immediately thought something really serious was wrong with me as I always think the worst but I was proven wrong fortunately.
I was thinking the worst when the consultant was telling me different things about what he suspected was wrong with me and and it has turned out I do have a problem with my kidneys but I am monitored every 6 months.There is no cancer which is what I fear the most, so I am happy about that.
I am sorry I cant be of more help.

16-05-09, 00:37
Thanks Poppy

It was something they picked up on a scan and I have no idea about

16-05-09, 14:25
I guess I will ask doctor about it next time I see her.

They never actually told me it what it meant and at the time I wasn't worried about it as I had the Crohn's to worry about.

Now I just wonder if it could give me any physical symptoms or not.

16-05-09, 15:53
I have heard of it Nic but i have no idea what it is.
Ask the doc and no googling! Tut :ohmy:

16-05-09, 15:58
Hi Nicola
The best person to ask, like you said, would be the gp.
I know that the adrenal glands produce certain hormones and if there is too little or too much of one of these hormones, it can cause certain medical conditions, but all of them can be treated.
One of the hormones regulates the flight or fight responses. When I thought I had problems with my adrenal glands, I was hoping in a way that it was that which was causing the anxiety and panic attacks, because sometime it can, as the adrenal gland releases adrenaline. Mine wasn't that though.
A lot of adrenal gland lesions are benign - malignant lesions are extremely rare. I know this from when I Googled months ago thinking the worst case scenario - as I always do!
Its probably best you ask your gp about what she has told you.
You certainly have been through an awful lot! I hope things begin to soon start improving for you. :flowers:

16-05-09, 16:55
Thanks Lisa and Poppy.

As I said I am not too worried but on both CT scans I had early on last September they did make a note of it and I completely forgot about it until the other day when I was reading a report I had about the scans.

I guess they weren't too worried at the time as nothing was done about it.

I will mention it next time I go to docs anyway.