View Full Version : Honesty everyone, im driving myself crazy:(

15-05-09, 23:09
kay so i really really just want some opinions on this one. Iv been terrifeid of some kind of cancer, after having pains in the anus/rectum since september, and also (which i only by accident saw was linked AFTER id already had it) in my cocsics area.. Do any of you think that id be having some really serious problems right now, if it was cancer? Honestly, iv been sent to a specialist, did something, saw nothing, but refered me for a sigmioidscopy (Sp:S) which i can't decide whther to have. Im terrified he'll find a tumour, and i don't now if id rather not know or not.

Does anybody know also, that if he used some kind of scope, which he did, does this rule out piles completely? Iv been holding onto the idea that it could be that, and i actually cried when he said he couldn't see any..is it possible he just missed it?

Gah:( i honestly think iv got barley any time left..its driving me crazy:( I have A2's coming up, and i just can't take all of this worry
Any relplies would be really much appreciated.. xxxx

15-05-09, 23:18

Not sure what to add to what I have told you before

You had no signs of any inflammation like I did at all.

You are suffering HA that is all and you need help for that so are you getting any?

We can only advise you so many times and you are not listening to us. Sorry that is harsh but it is true.

They cannot miss piles trust me.

Please trust me on this and get help for the HA

15-05-09, 23:25

15-05-09, 23:31
Don't be sorry Alex - I just want you to get this sorted out.

16-05-09, 00:09
Me too..but i can't except these pains are anxiety, they've lasted for so long:S

16-05-09, 01:33
Hi Alex,

It doesn't matter what you call the pain. I hate that definition too. No matter how you look at it pain is just pain. It is chemicals coming from your brain to areas of your body. It's the way the nerves are programed to help us move, but the messages misfire & cause us these sensations.

Ive been getting pain daily for more years than I like to think about. Im hardly going to die or anything. Its just very uncomfortable. The pain is real. The mental illness is also real. The mind helps the pain somewhat if you can learn to train it in the right ways. There is no other alternatives but to work with the brains that we have & try to make the best of the life we have been given, pain or no pain.

If you are worried about cancer, get the test so you can stop agonising over it. I agree with Nicola, it's so important to get your mental health sorted out. Why live a life suffering more than you have to. Obsessing over these things without getting help will never help you heal. If the pain is not anxiety, worrying about it is anxiety. This gives pain power over you. You can at least regain control of the power of you mind. mind over matter...

16-05-09, 21:33
The pain is in the same place, thats what bothers me,and its hard to accept this could be a metal thing I really don't think it is. I just think its cancer and I hate it. I just dunno what to do.

16-05-09, 22:00
You are waiting for a colonoscopy aren't you?

Where is the pain today?

16-05-09, 23:01
No a sig one, I dunno the dull name :s but I don't think il end up having it. I have my lower back pain and twinges in the anus and rectum :s

16-05-09, 23:13
ok well the sigmoidoscopy will show any problems

Do you know what the procedure involves?

20-05-09, 22:19
Do you watch embarrassing illnesses on TV?

someone on tonight with severe rectal pains and it was IBS

Captain America
20-05-09, 23:32

the sigmoidoscopy is sooo easy. i had mine with no drugs or anything, and the prep work was just a little fasting with a couple of enemas. the only part that they tell you about the pressure (it's like gas pains) is when they blow some air in there. but i'm a big chicked and it was easy...in and out (pun intended) in no time.

i expect your issues are all anxiety, but think of it this way. the test is easy. a good result and you won't have to have it again for years. and if they did find something, now is the time to find it!

if you don't get the test you will drive yourself crazy thinking about it. rule it out, then you can concentrate on the anxiety without the nagging fear in the back of your head that it's something else.

Captain America
20-05-09, 23:33
sorry i meant chicken. not chicked.