View Full Version : Scared stupid

16-05-09, 00:52
I saw my doc today for the results of a scan I had last week because of an abnormal bleed after I had gone through the menapause. Anyway, the scan showed a thickening to the lining of the womb. My doc (who I love and trust) then phoned the hospital and asked for an urgent appointment with the gynacologist which through me into a complete panic - I could'nt stop crying.
He did his best to reassure me as he knows what I'm like - but the bleed was a long time ago and for lots of reasons I did'nt go for the scan until a few weeks ago. I'm now thinking I left it, its the big "C" and its spread - oh God, I'm so scared.
Also, I did a stupid thing - and googled and I've now got all the symptoms!!! I dont not how I'm going to get through the next few weeks.
Anyone else had this????

16-05-09, 07:56
hi you can also bleed alot if you have fibroids did the dr mention you could have them please try not to worry i know its easy to say x

16-05-09, 11:11
Hi Amanda
I have been through the menapause and had'nt had a period for 2 years - then suddenly had this one big bleed and then nothing since.
The girl that did my scan told me that she could see nothing else on the scan, just considerable thickening of the lining of the womb.
From what I have read (googled!), I think they will now do a biopsy. Oh God, just talking about it is freaking me out!!!
Thanks for replying.