View Full Version : symptoms

26-08-05, 19:06
hi iwas wondering if over anxiousness can cause similar symptoms to that of pregnancy etc.. cos there is this encyclopedia where i looked up morning sickness and its not just to do with pregnancy and can be cause my worrying etc!!
Unfortunatley i have this paranoia i am pregnant so how i am feeling at the moment i am fretting it is cos i am pregnant.. even though i have had two ladies things since the time id think it would be from! (the one thing that worries me there is cos some people have ladies things even though theyre pregnant so hecne that not satisfying my worries that i am not).
I cant explain what i need to know but its basically like i have said like tiredness feeling sick, headache etc.
I did have an arguement with my b/f last night on the phone and got myself worked up and worried about it today and have just been feeling quite emotional (another worry i am preg) and cant seem to get a grip on my emotions.. i seem to flare up for no reason... i just need a bit of guidance...
Emily X

Power of the mind is incredible, we now think negative by it, we can get out thinking positive too!

26-08-05, 19:58
Hi Emily,
sorrry you are feeling rough right now. I think if you have had a couple of periods recently you probably are not pregnant. You could always do a test to re-assure yourself (or maybe go to the doctors for one). symptoms of anxiety/panic are so widespread it would be hard to list them all, but i do know from experience that sickness, tiredness, headaches dizziness are but a few! Try not to read medical books, they can mislead you so much. I believe that arguing with your boyfriend has obviously increased your anxiety, maybe things will settle down soon? i am sorry i have not been much help, but i, and lots of others do really understand what you are going through. Emotions run very high when we are anxious, take care and please keep in touch. xxxx

26-08-05, 20:09
No, you have been fabulous, it really makes sense, and i should know about the headaches etc anyway, i can be so silly. i will do a test and lets hope im not one of those minority that can have periods and be pregnant cos it would well and truely ruin my life and id have to get rid of it which isnt a nice thuoght either..
I just dont get why i have been so emotional, could be stress i suppose, ill be going back to uni soonish, and going on a train journey again, and arguining with mark hasnt helped.
Thank you so much carlin, you have been helpful, you really have
Big huge hugs! :-)
Emily X

Power of the mind is incredible, we now think negative by it, we can get out thinking positive too!

26-08-05, 21:27
hey emily,
have you done the pregnancy test yet?
my main symptom at the moment is morning sickness - if i ever get pregnant i reckon it will be a breeze cause i'll be so used to feeling sick in the mornings!
eating a hearty breakfast and a nice cup of herbal tea always helps make me feel better in the morning
take care

26-08-05, 21:43
No, i will get one tomorrow cos i am fed up of worrying i am!
i have been getting really wound up and stressed so it could just be that... i dont really want to do one cos ill feel an idiot if i not preg' but also cos i dont want it to say i am. you cant win with me hey? grr. anyway, ill say if its me being an idiot or me wanting to throw myself down a stair case of be punched lots in the stomach! (apologies if i have offended anyone, i have a twisted sense of humour especially if its over something i am worried about)

Emily X

Power of the mind is incredible, we now think negative by it, we can get out thinking positive too!

27-08-05, 13:28
hey, i have just done one and it has come up as i am not, and it has only one line!
Feel so sick thinking of if it was the other way round... and a bit of a ninwit for thinking i was.... there is another test and ill do it later just to reassure myself completely to the results!
Sorry for being such a plonker! I should have a slap on the wrist for being so silly sometimes![:I]
Emily X

Power of the mind is incredible, we now think negative by it, we can get out thinking positive too!

27-08-05, 13:51
Hi Emily,
So happy the result was what you wanted...er, by the way mate, you are not a nuisance, a nit-wit nor a plonker, you suffer with anxiety along with the rest of us, take things easy (if poss) xxxxxxxxx

27-08-05, 13:59
Thanks carlin! although i sometimes like to be nonwit, much more fun:D;).. hehe.. but thanks though, i really appreciate it!
Emily X

Power of the mind is incredible, we now think negative by it, we can get out thinking positive too!

27-08-05, 21:13
Glad it worked out fine ..


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