View Full Version : Returned fear of Oral Cancer...

16-05-09, 06:32
Ugh..Here I am again. Woke up feeling pretty good this morning...Brushed my teeth, Made a big mistake & looked at my mouth & tongue in the mirror...I noticed that on my Frenulum of the tongue

as seen on this picture

The "Warton's Ducts" on one side is brightly red for me :weep:
Together with the single swollen tonsil and the swollen lymph nodes on my jaw lines this once again has me terrified, its been going pretty well for me lately, but now I have to notice the bump again..I wanted to last for atleast a month before going to the doctor again but I doubt that wont be happening since I'll probably make an appointment right away this monday...

Does anyone have experience with the area that I pointed out beeing red-coloured on one side..?

16-05-09, 14:18
Have you seen a dentist recently?

16-05-09, 14:31
I have actually, about 3 weeks ago or so...But I didn't have the red thing yet at that point :(