View Full Version : Could really use some help here

16-05-09, 13:56
Its been a long time since ive felt the need for some reasurrance of this site, but ive always found myself coming back here when im havin a bad time.

And right now im havin a bad time.

Physically, i cant help thinkin there is something wrong with my stomach, its been feelin strange all week now, since last friday.
Its like it feels really tense and nothing i can do will relax it, ive had no appetite for a week now, although ive still been eating because i know i feel worse if i starve myself.
Its a weird feeling just below my ribs, like the food isnt going down properly, does anyone else get that?
kinda bloated just below my ribs, rather than lower in the tummy area.

i just cant seem to get my mind off thinkin that its serious, and this is makin me more tense. i know ive had this feeling before and it usually passes after a few days, but this is lingering, probably cuz im thinkin to much, but it also makes me feel like my breathing is restricted by the tenseness of my stomach.

help me if you can, i just need a bit of support if you can.

its really got me down this week, and ive spent 99% of the week sittin on my backside worryin about it. its not nice when nobody around me is prepared to listen and put my mind at ease.

Thanks guys & gals.