View Full Version : So many digestive problems, really scared

16-05-09, 16:12
For months now I have been in constant pain from just under my boobs to all the way down to my lower abdomen. I feel like I want to be sick all the time (but am not because I'm on anti nausea for anxiety) and have bad back ache. I am constantly (and I mean 24/7, awaking at night with it) full of gas and trapped wind. I can hear it all the time, feel it doing really bad popping and gurgling from the top of my stomach to my lower abdomen (I do have IBS but this is so much worse). I also have really bad pain (which is where it is worst) all across the bottom of my abdomen, hurts all the time and get stabbing pains every now and then low down on my right.

I'm on bentyl for the IBS (does nothing for the pain), tried windeze and wind setlers (both do nothing), am on Omeprazole for acid (helps a bit but still get acid).

I have a Dr's appointment which I wanted for this week but have been told there are no appointments until the 2nd week of June which is going to leave me worrying for the next few weeks. I feel so bloated (even though I don't look it) and so sick.

I have a Take That concert to go to in just over a month and at this rate won't be able to go as I'm in that much pain and discomfort.

Anyone else ever get anything like this? I just wish I knew what it was. The constant gas (and I mean constant, I fart all the time but am still full of gas from the top to the bottom) is just so annoying and painful.

16-05-09, 16:19
Hiya cat,
I don't have an answer i'm afraid, but do you have a walk in health centre near you that you could go to out of sugery hours? That would save you waiting until june and worrying.


16-05-09, 16:26
HI, Sweetie! I am sorry to hear you are so miserable. My thought is your worrying about this is aggravating your IBS and digestive system (check out www.anxietycentre.com (http://www.anxietycentre.com) and look at the plethera of anxiety symptoms it lists -- it includes what you are talking about). As it always goes for me, if I focus on a symptom, start worrying about it, it gets worse and lasts forever! You might be trapped in that cycle -- discomfort = anxiety = more discomfort = more anxiety, and so forth. It is the worst one to be in. However, I would certainly advise seeing your doctor as soon as possible. If not that one, find another. You need peace of mind (and perhaps a change in meds that will make you feel better so you can go to your concert!), and you should always get any unusual or prolonged symptoms checked out. The most important thing -- Don't google this, TRUST ME!!!! It will make you much worse! Please let me know how you are and what the diagnosis is. I will be thinking about you . .Hugs, Wiskers ~

16-05-09, 16:27
Hi cat
sorry you are in so much pain, I have IBS and had an episode like this recently and it did go on for weeks. I tried everthing including Buscopan and the anti-spasmodics the Dr gave me to no avail. I got relief from hot water bottle held to abdomen, but I know how debilitating it is and have been in such pain in town, I had bother getting home. I do think it is a flare up of the IBS, but Mick is right and you should find somewhere to get medication/advice as soon as poss ..not because it is anything sinister but just because you cannot go on in pain like that and it will ruin any outings you have planned for sure. Wishing you luck in finding some help. XX

16-05-09, 16:49
Thanks so much for the replies, I really appreciate it. Yes we do have a walk in centre near here but not sure if they deal with anything like this. I've only been there twice and both times were to get a blood test done. I could call them and ask.

I thought maybe it was my diet because I do sometimes eat really rubbish food so on Monday I went on a healthy eating plan. Cut out takeaways, fatty foods, chocolate etc. I was just eating cereal, salad and fish etc but that has made no difference. I have tried heat pads stuck to my stomach and they sometimes help a bit but usually the gas pain is just that bad it does nothing. I wake up in the night as the gas moving around my body is so violent.

I've convinced myself I've got either H Pylori or ovarian cysts/cancer. Just wish I knew what was wrong with me. I would think it was my IBS as well if I didn't feel so sick and the pain was all over the top of my abdomen as well as the bottom (and my back hurts on and off too).

Not left the house in 10 days because the pain and nausea is that bad. Thanks again for all the advice, I really do appreciate it.