View Full Version : A question regarding Citalopram...

16-05-09, 19:44

I became anxious/depressed last year after my mum passed away and was first given Citalopram but I had a bad reaction to it in that around 1-2 hrs after taking the first 20mg dose I felt my throat was closing up and I couldn't breathe. This lasted for no more than a couple of minutes but it scared the life of me so went straight back and was given Mirtazapine instead.

I am now on Trazodone which I'm having no bad side effects with as I take it at night, Citalopram I took in the morning. Can you take Citalopram at night?

My brother took Citalopram for his depression/anxiety, he had no side effects at all and came off them around 2 years ago (I didn't know he suffered depression/anxiety until I spoke to him about Citalopram).

Thanks for reading :unsure:

16-05-09, 20:12
Hi Gill, you are not the only member of No More Panic who has been shocked by their first dose of citalopram. It's just side effects, they fade over time. I used to take it at night but switched to mornings as it disrupted my sleep. I don't get side effects any more (been on it 8 weeks).

I'm very sorry for your loss. I hope you get back to full strength soon.

16-05-09, 22:22
Thank you PP. It was just so scary at the time as it was the first medication I had ever taken for the anxiety and I really hate taking tablets anyway.

I was lucky at the time as hubby was with me who managed to calm me down. I just remember suddenly feeling really horrible and then lying down on the couch so it could go.

Glad to know I'm not alone with the side effects.

Take care, :hugs:

16-05-09, 22:51
Yeah me too Gill, I was on the phone to a doctor at 3am with my parents in a state cos we all thought my brain was going to explode. It was never that bad again although i did suffer from many side effects, all of which have now gone.