View Full Version : can't stop itching!

26-08-05, 22:05
hey everyone,
in the last few days i've developed weird rashes in weird places including my scalp, the back of my neck and my tongue. The worst is my scalp which is itching to the point of burning. I think i can feel lots of tiny pimples but i'm not sure. Anyway, i've tried using head and shoulders but it hasn't made any difference and these pimples have popped up in different places in the meantime.
Can this be an anxiety-related symptom? I've got a docs appt anyway on wed so i'll get him to check it out, but just wanted to know if anyone knew whether this was stress related or not, and if there were any creams/pills i could take to get rid of it.
henri x

26-08-05, 22:51
Hi Henri,

All seems a bit familiar!

I scratch my hair a lot more when I'm anxious and stressed - it just seems to be an instinctive reaction.

I got particularly stressed last December and gained an ezcema patch on my chest and this comes and goes, and it does seem to be a barometer.

I also suffered some drying up of skin on my legs around this time, and my doctor gave me some cream called "Doublebase" and it soon went - hasn't returned since.

Very recently I have had some emotional family issues to worry about and have found that my wrist muscles have played me up especially in the morning, my hands also get a little hot at times and go a little bit red, but then return to normal. My skin does seem to be quite sensitive nowadays.

Hope this helps - good luck on Wednesday


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker