View Full Version : Hallucinations

16-05-09, 23:09
Does anyone else get hallucinations with panic/anxiety I have had them a couple of times over the past four months. I was trying to go to sleep one evening when I was at my worst of feelling panic and I thought Id seen a turantula spider climbing out of my wardrobe. I have also seen a indian type figure next to the bed too! is this normal to happen when you are having panic? :shrug:

18-05-09, 18:26
if it's as you're falling asleep, that's actually pretty common. I can't remember what it's called, but it's basically like you're dreaming before you fall completely asleep. It's happened to me a few times and it scares me every freaking time!

18-05-09, 20:22
I remember talking to a cbt therapist about this she said they were something called hypnopopic hallucinations (not sure if thats the right word or spelling) its something to do with the brain being inbetween sleep and awake still doesn't make it any better when you are scared out of your wits at 4am.

I think normally you could rationalise this and probably just brush it off as being tired etc but when anxiety has come calling its like everything else 100% worse.

What a blooming life!


07-06-09, 12:20
It is called Hypnagogia if it occurs when falling asleep and hypnopompia if it occurs while waking up. It is actually quite common and people will sometimes hear their name being shouted or a doorbell ringing only to come round and relaise that is impossible.

I haven't had hypnagogic hallucinations really but my thoughts tend to go a bit random and not make sense as im drifting off to sleep.

07-06-09, 18:29
I've had these too. They are worse when I am very depressed and anxious. When I was coming off mirtazapine they were very bad. I saw a lady in old fashioned costume it was like watching a film but not scary. I have also seen groups of people in tudor costume but this was when I was running a high fever. I'm also prone to sleepwalking too. I have seen figures in the room and felt people breathing on me. Night terrors are far more scary especially if they have a recurring theme. If I am on my own ie hubby away on a business trip it is preferable for me to take a sleeping pill. That way it shuts off that part of my brain that wont stay quiet.

11-06-09, 18:32
thanks for that Sammy, I knew it sounded something like what I thought didn't know that they had two different names ie waking ones and going to sleep ones, how weird is that I am not frightended of this anymore I have noticed that when I wake up the few seconds before I actually wake up my thoughts seem very random and disconnected and I can also relate to the expereince that Elizabethjane mentions when having a high temperature people can hallucinate I have also noted that you can get nightmares when having a high temperature

its a wonderful thing the brain ain't it
