View Full Version : anxiety depression hair loss anyone affected!?!?!

16-05-09, 23:48
I noticed my once thick hair seems to be shedding quite a lot over the past 6 months. Could it be anx, depression or meds? Or all 3?!?

16-05-09, 23:51
yup we have loads of posts about this so have a search

17-05-09, 14:34
My hair went very lank and lost its shine.I found abnormal ammounts of hair in combs and brushes etc.This was before I started on anti-depressants.Stress and anxiety causes the depletion of certain minerals and vitamins in the body. This website has a lot of useful information ,click on to the vitamin section! apparantly if you take certain vits grey hair can be restored to its original colour by 80% ??? www.stophairlossnow.co.uk/vitamins (http://www.stophairlossnow.co.uk/vitamins) Sue:hugs:

17-05-09, 19:07
thanks sue, perhaps not such a common problem as i thought?!?!xxxxxxxx

17-05-09, 19:28
Hi, mine sure does shed when in very anxious or stressed...it does seem to be a common problem! Mine also sheds very quickly if my thyroid leves are low, always worth a test if you havent had one (esp if your over 40)....as its one of those undetected things that is relatively common. Keep up your iron levels too as low iron can cause hair thinning x

17-05-09, 22:02
thanks - am awaiting thyroid function blood test result actually and I am in that age' group!!! Is a vitamin with iron worth taking? X

17-05-09, 22:25
I've been losing hair as well, I'm a 26 yo male and I manage to plug the drain on my shower every few days. It's kinda' nasty! I hate it. I started losing hair at around 23 or so. There isn't a lot of balding in my family either. I'm pretty sure it's related to the dizziness/anxiety somehow, I just don't know how!

17-05-09, 23:41
thanks - am awaiting thyroid function blood test result actually and I am in that age' group!!! Is a vitamin with iron worth taking? X

The thyroid has a lot to answer for, i even lost my eyebrows when mine was low:blush:!! additionally when my thyroid was low i got horrible depression, brain fog and anxiety, had no energy at all either (and im only 22!)........starting my thyroid meds a year ago has defo improved many of my symptoms and returned my eyebrows!

I dont like to promote lone iron supplements unless they are needed because of anaemia. Multivit with iron cant do any harm though :)