View Full Version : I'm sorry, I need you all now - Lung Question

17-05-09, 01:01
I am sorry, I know I was told to relax and utilize the people here. I will not go into the details but almost 3 days ago I left the hospital after a pacemaker/ICD implantation. The area still is tender (as it will be for some time) and I am feeling good. However, what I am feeling is a pain under my right shoulder blade. I have taken naps, moved around and done things and of course good old HA has me thinking. So I did the very thing my wife asked me not to, looked on Google. I came up with pneumothorax. For those of you that are unfamiliar, this is a puncture of the lung. Now I am thinking if the anesthesiologist who worked on me did something while I was under general anesthesia. Here is my question. After 3 days, I think I would know if this was the case, right? I don't feel truly out of breath (just do not feel like walking for miles), have no chest pain, have eaten very well, no fever, just that pain on the right side shoulder blade.

My wife had said that you have a trauma to the body, got little sleep there, had you left (dominant) arm in a sling for 30 hours and have been in many positions in the hospital. Also, I do have some issues with GERD and that could account for this since I have been belching like crazy (sorry for the info).

Anyway, I am turning to the experts - please advise. Thanks everyone.

17-05-09, 02:20
Onward...the people on this board are not experts on something like what you have just gone through. Sure, some things we can guess are caused by anxiety but after undergoing the surgery that you just had involving the heart, it would be irresponsible and foolish for anyone to say any soothing words to you just to make you feel better.

Yes, you had stress with the other arm but don't you think you should call your surgeon or cardiologist and explain the symptoms? It's U.S. time and still early enough, you wouldn't be waking anyone up. How can anyone here definitively tell you that you don't have a punctured lung? We can't know that...even if you went on a medical board where you can ask a doctor a question, they couldn't tell you without a test or some kind of scan or at least seeing you in person.

I WILL say that having health anxiety did the same thing to me, after surgery, I was convinced that I would have every complication under the sun. Before I even had the surgery, I knew I would be the unlucky one! Then I was sure every time I had a pain that the surgical clips came out, or moved. That was years ago and I have since had tests for other things that would have shown this, and I am fine. Your wife is right, googling is poison for us but I do the same thing. Our bodies are put in funny, strained positions during surgery and we can get real charley horse strains afterwards. My advice, think along those lines but call your doctor and see what he says. By the way, I didn't look up puncture of the lung but aren't there more symptoms than what you now have?

17-05-09, 03:16
Your wife is right, surgery can take a while to feel back to normal and you are bound to feel different. But if you have a nurse hotline you could call, I would suggest that and see what they think. Leave a message or something with your cardiologist for peace of mind if it doesn't ease.

Vanilla Sky
17-05-09, 15:35
Hi Onward , Lauren is right , we are not medical experts , some of us are expertise in our own anxiety thats about it ! It does take a while to recover after surgery, it wouldn't be normal if it didn't. I doubt you have a punctured lung, you would soon know about it ! If you are worried call a nurse hotline I wish you a speedy recovery Paige x

17-05-09, 16:47
Hi there - I work in theatres and if you had a pneumothorax you would really know about it - really they are extremely painful and you would be having great trouble breathing. If you had your pacemaker fitted under general anaesthetic, they may have abducted both of your arms on arm boards - this can sometimes cause muscle pain because of the unfamiliar positioning. Just an opinion - hope you feel better soon!

17-05-09, 17:25
Hi Onward

I'm pretty sure you don't have a collapsed lung....the pain would be quite hectic and you would be very out of breath. I have a chest drain in at the moment for collapsed lung after surgery and have no clue how long it'll be there!
Surely you had xrays before leaving hospital...and this would have shown if there was an air leak.
It's more than likely reflected pain you are feeling...try to relax. I know....easier said than done!

Pegs X