View Full Version : Lower abdominal pain - help needed Ladies

17-05-09, 08:11
:weep: Hi there
Its been a while since I've posted on here as I have had a period of relative calmness with health problems - of course now i has flared up again with the latest sympton of pain in my lower abdomen on the right side. Have been to the doctors and mentioned it briefly, amongst other things, and he suggests it could be irritable bowel, although he did mention the words ovaries and cancer although not quite sure of the context as already I had gone into panic mode and probably wasn't listenting properly. He has put me on Spasmonal which hasn't made a great deal of difference. I am now constantly prodding my stomach to feel for lumps, tenderness etc!!! To make matters worse my period has not arrived yet?? I am so bloated all the time as well, full of wind (the tablets did help the bloating) and really anxious about it. I am 46 and have had changes to previous periods which have been closer together (3 week cycles). Could this be the onset of the menopause - does it cause pain? Going on holiday soon to Majorca and don't know what to do whether to go back to the doctor or go gaway and try to relax (could be a problem!) Has anyone else had similar symptoms?

17-05-09, 08:37
Did the doctor not examine your stomach at all? It might be an ovarian cyst as they are pretty common. I had one when I was younger that I had to have removed as well as my ovary and tube. If they do an internal I think they can usually feel a cyst so I would go back and ask for an examination if it was me I think. I think your period problems are all just part of the start of the menopause because I have the same things and am the same age as you. Mine are okay at the moment but last year I had a few where there was a few months between each period.

17-05-09, 09:26
I've been having lower abdo symptoms for a long time and after having a CT scan for something totally different, it showed up some abnormalities in my pelvic region, i'm now awaiting a specialists appointment.


17-05-09, 09:45
How long have you taken spasmonla for? I have been diagnosed with IBS and was given these tablets to take for 14 days. However I didn't start to notice a difference until after a week. I also had a feeling of something stuck uder right rib which has now gone with tablets.
Go back to your doctors and ask for an examination. My doc felt for lumps,tenderness etc x

17-05-09, 17:07
Thanks for all your help and advice. Think I will go back and ask for a more thorough examination. Been on Spasmonal for about a week and admittedly don't take 3 a day only morning and night - have to say I am not convinced its bowel problems so much as gynae.


17-05-09, 17:27
Jane- I have had this. I had 2 cysts on my right ovary at seperate times. One I had to get removed the other popped on its own. I also get pains around ovulation. When you have a cyst it can make your period late...stress can make it late too :) Have you ever heard stories about women who are late b/c they worry so much about being pregant then they take the test, see it is - and start that day. Stress can make you late. I know this is easy for me to say...but please try to relax and you will probably start. Also, just to calm your fears...most women have small cysts on their ovaries that pop each month w/their period and they never even know they are there. Cancer does not make them bigger...it is just that sometimes they don't pop on their own and they grow. Please have your Gyno check for cysts. It feels like pressure there...like there is not enough room for everything and sex hurts in that area too. Hope I have helped you.