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17-05-09, 09:53
When I take a deep breath, my back cracks quite a lot, and sometimes my chest area cracks a little bit aswell. My back also cracks when I move sometimes. Does anybody know what this might be?

17-05-09, 10:24
I get this too but no idea what it is. Just been searching for what could be (which I promised myself would not do again). Not had ait for a couple of weeks and started again this morning so needed to find what it is. Not had any luck with that tho.
It only cracks (lower right of back) when I take deep breath and does not happen all the time. Is this what yours is like? Sometimes feel like can't take a deep breath as it needs to crack. Have u seen your doc about it? Itold mine but just dismissed it.

17-05-09, 10:31
Yes mine only cracks when I take a deep breath too. It doesn't hurt or anything either. I haven't spoke to my doctor about it, do you think I should?

17-05-09, 16:35
Only if it is bothering you or you are worrying about it. I have a check up tommorrow with my doc about something else so going to mention it. will let u know what they say.

17-05-09, 21:04

I wouldnt worry at all about your back cracking as long as you are feeling well in yourself. Your back has lots of joints which can make all sorts of creaking and groaning sounds. In addition to the joints in between each vertebrae you also have joints where your ribs attach to your spine and to your breastbone at the front. These joints move when you take a deep breath and therefore can make a craking noise. Its a bit like kneeling down or crouching and hearing your knees crack - no difference.
Hope this reassures you.

Sid xx

17-05-09, 21:51
I get this as well. No clues as to what it is, probably just anxiety related. Mine seems to crack on the right side way more than the left. I notice it more when I am leaning to the right than when I breath. I also get the crack in the very center of my chest sometimes and that only happens when I am taking in a breath. I wonder what this could be, I never had it before my "issues" began.:huh:

17-05-09, 22:20
Mine is at right too. I also get cracking around my ears and in head too sometimes. Not sure if thats coz always have trouble with sinus.

Sid when u explain it way you do makes sense as you do not think anything when knees crack when bend down.

Hope everyone is ok xxx