View Full Version : One for the girls (sorry guys)

17-05-09, 11:09
I don't know if this is in the right place, but here we go....

I can go for weeks without a PA with the help of the CBT i have been doing I generally am doing very well, but then 'the time of the month' creeps up and BAM! I have really bad PMT in the form of major PA and feeling suicidal.

I am taking Vit C and a Vit B complex as recommended on here.

I was wondering is any of the other girls here have noticed anything similar ie homone related symptoms and if anything has helped.

I told my GP once I had really bad PMT and he just didn't get it, said 'well learn to control yourself then cos theres nothing can be done' so I haven't bothered mentioning it to anyone since, is this true?

Sorry about the subject but this is the one thing that stops me from being better permenantly

17-05-09, 18:03
I have never had PMT, but I DO know that there is plenty that can be done, everything from dietary to exercise changes to learning coping skills, hormone treatment, etc. You should not go back to that GP..."learn to control yourself"????? God, what an idiot.

Its not a guarantee, but perhaps if you ask for a female doctor when making an appointment, she will be more sympathetic than a man. Also, I get the feeling that sometimes people are rather too polite about their medical conditions..if its wrecking your life at times in your cycle, say that LITERALLY. Doctors need a bit of pushing sometimes to recognise the severity of the problem.

17-05-09, 18:20
Hi Tiktak - Yes, that time of the month is certainly when I have suffered my worst anxiey/panic attacks - I keep a diary and it's only ever at that time! Don't really know what to do about it though! Skip.

17-05-09, 18:33
before the last few months when ive been pretty much anxiety ridden perm. i used to get this anxiety and panic before i was due on, i tried passiflora and i find if you take it twice a day every day it helped me. I would defo go back to a female GP and talk again, you can have hormones, eg pill mini pill injection(which i loved as it stopped my periods completely!)
Im goin through the same at the mo hon so im with you.


17-05-09, 19:10
Hi :)
I was diagnosed a long time ago with PMDD - which is severe premenstrual syndrome, and every month for nearly 2 weeks my anxiety was much worse and the day before was absolute hell. My mood swings were awful. There is lots that can be done for it. Your gp sounds stupid. Who needs a gp like him!
I always find in my experience that lady gps are much better at dealing with such problems.
There is a really good website for women which is about PMT and other menstrual disorders which I use which is http://www.pms.org.uk/ It offers some really good advice.
Have you tried Evening Primrose oil and all the other vitamins you can get for helping deal with PMS? I find a healthy diet - cutting out all caffeine, salty processed foods, and fizzy drinks really helped me. During the 2 week run up to my period I would have lots of fruit and veg in my diet. It did help me.
I find citalopram got rid of my pmt last month - I couldnt believe it - the first time I never had any pmt.
I hope you get the help you need and you should not just have to go away and put up with it like your gp suggested!

17-05-09, 23:13
Thanks girls
I think a visit to the GP (a female one!) is in order, I hate going to the doctors, I just don't go, I think the last time I went was maybe November, definately not since then LOL
I can't afford prescriptions or Evening primrose oil so I shall have a go at the diet bit, I only drink de-caf coffee anyway, its going to be hard giving up my 1 can of diet coke a week at work, but if it helps I'll do it :)

18-05-09, 17:54
the past 3 months my PMS has been excruciating. REALLY REALLY bad... i felt scared anxious nervous sad and miserable, really tired, very weak and shaky.

18-05-09, 18:24
Hi i'm one of the boys xxx