View Full Version : vewry sleepy again why

17-05-09, 11:35
so funny i am ok yesterday becos i went holiday to neighbouring country, so nice, but today i am back , too bad, i got symtpoms back again, iam havng dizzy , panic, sweating, the worst is why am i feeling so so so sleepy that i can't even walk, when i walk i feel like fainting or not fainting i just feel like drowsy wanting to sleep at that moment itself , i feel like i can't control my eyes so sleepy very sleepy terribly sleepy and tired.

the worst is from yesterday i have ben feeling very very very very angry with everything, abt life abt ppl, abt everything wherever i am i am just so angry and irritated. i shouted at my kids, husband i am so so angry i hv not been like this before but now worst i can't control my temper its very bad.

am i mad or rhat, maybe i am going to be mad, how to not lose control of myself, i am losing myself and losing control of everything, i get angry i feel like i just dont want to do anything, i just want to sit and rest, and sleep all day, or i don't see people, don't do anything. i dont know now what i want to do or what makes me happy. why.

19-05-09, 12:49
today i feel worst, i can't even do anything, afternoon i felt so so sleepy tired and lack of energy and bored and i feel so dizzy light headed, why am ifeeling this? it always happen in the afternoon at work, could it be i am too bored at work, after that i feel so dizzy and can't do anything, even dinner ihave no appeapitate to eat. help me, iam sick

19-05-09, 13:15
youve got anxiety and really need to see a dr about it to get help