View Full Version : MRI scan

17-05-09, 11:39
In Janury I was due to have a scan.
It was an 'open scanner' they said:blush:
This scanner is like a shelf - you lay on a bed and had a plastic cage like protecter over the head to keep it still (NO PROBLEM with that) then the bed was raised and without a word i was pushed into this 'shelf':ohmy: :ohmy: WHOAAAA
That done it i panicked big time NO way was i having that done!!!!!!!!

End of February I was told I must have this done and they offered me sedation (for me not a good idea)
From january my PAs were really bad every day.
SO I phoned the MRI unit and asked to speak to someone who could explain what happened during the scan.
I got this wonderful person who told in detail that

the noise was very loud (earplugs supplied)
They do separate scans for different parts of the head.
There is a short silent gap (few seconds) between scans.
in each gap they asked if i was ok - did i want to carry on?I had my scan done and was walking on air i was so happy.
The nurses were expecting me because i had phoned and said how bad my panic is and they were VERY understanding.
I hope this is of some help
Best wishes

17-05-09, 11:47
I had one done on my knee last year...and having that caged for me was quite a trial. I am meant to have my head done....but i dunno! I cancelled that appointment about 6 times.

You did well :)


17-05-09, 11:49
Got the results yesterday
The consultant told me that the MRI results were "fine".
I have a perforated eardrum (known that since i was 9yrs old)
I also have some water in the inner ear but it is not a problem.
Last week i had to attend a "balance" clinic for suspected vertigo - those tests were also fine.
BUT BUT the Doc i saw there has a team - that when you finish the tests you go into the room and you are able to ask questions, and are told about your results.
This doctor told his team that i suffer from panic attacks and hyperventilation and that i had put my giddy turns down to that...... one of his team then said
"would you like to join our therapy group for your breathing problems?" well tears poured down my face and they were most concernd ---- i said i have been asking my psych for this help for the last 5 years - yes please i would love to join your group.
Relieved that they had not upset me she continued ""would you like help with relaxtion as well??"
OH YES OH YES all this help from ENT dept
Just have to wait for appointments now.
Not sure how i am feeling at the moment - i have not run panicking to my GP for 2 weeks so far(don't want to tempt fate):yesyes:

Best wishes

17-05-09, 11:55
Belle the trick is keep your eyes shut.
Take a soft toy Or something non metalic) that you can touch and identify each part of the item you are holding.
Sounds mad i know but it keeps your mind occupied which is the important thing.
I hope you get through it next time - you will feel soooo good after.
Best wishes

17-05-09, 12:05
I have one every six months. I can bring a CD with us for them to play while in it and they transmit the music through headphones.

17-05-09, 12:09
No head phones for me - as my ears were the main area to be scanned - also they said the machine was too loud.
Actually sounded like the last spin cycle on my washing machine (ha ha)

17-05-09, 12:36
I don't like the music too loud so I can still hear the banging. The one I go into has a periscope/mirror thingie of sorts so you can see yourself in it and the staff in their office.

17-05-09, 14:50
Hi trixie, on this site you will see the type of scanner i went on:blush: except i went in sideways:blush:
Best wishes


I don't like the music too loud so I can still hear the banging. The one I go into has a periscope/mirror thingie of sorts so you can see yourself in it and the staff in their office.

17-05-09, 15:22
Im actually waiting for my appointment to go for an MRI to find the cause of my constant whooshing in my ear. Im absolutely dreading it:weep:

17-05-09, 15:33
Im actually waiting for my appointment to go for an MRI to find the cause of my constant whooshing in my ear. Im absolutely dreading it:weep:
I do know how you feel :hugs: but do try talking to your MRI dept mine were fantastic.
the first time i went it was very 'clinical and i was expected to just get on with it' BUT i just freaked.
Fear of the UNKNOWN:ohmy:
Then i found out all there was to know and it took away some of the fear.
Hope it goes well for you :yesyes: :hugs: you will feel great once it is over.
Best wishes

17-05-09, 18:52
Hi trixie, on this site you will see the type of scanner i went on:blush: except i went in sideways:blush:
Best wishes


Mine is done in the local hospital. The scanner is only about 2 years old, I don't know why they didn't have an open one. I have my head done so not all of me goes inside.