View Full Version : does ANYONE get this?

17-05-09, 12:04
i have recently started getting a feeling where i don't quite feel dizzy or severely off balance, but on a very slow only barely noticeble boat rocking side to side? it doesn't affect me actually if i stand up or anything i am still perfectly stable, leading me to think it is mental and most likely anxiety. just wondering if anyone else has had this and gone to the doctor with it? i have only JUST got this last night when I have been having a long mental battle with myself to ignore symptoms and accept that they are all in my stressed out mind.

17-05-09, 16:25
yes i get this with many other things.I described it as it feels like my heads sloshing about from side to side,its not proper spinning or vertigo its like being on a rocky boat.

17-05-09, 16:39
I also have this and seem to notice it more when I am sat down when you shouldn't really feel dizzy. I feel like I am swaying or spinning. I have always been quite a light headed person especially when standing up but being dizzy when sat down freaks me out.
Mentioned dizziness to doc and said all part of anxiety x

17-05-09, 19:10
I just started to get this to. It's like what others here said. You not dizzy or lightheaded, but you feel like you are swaying. Scared me the first time I experienced it. I got told it's just my anxiety. Ugh it's fustrating when you have been on mess and been fairly symptom free for a while and BAM something new gets you. I've had had anxeity for a few months now and the swaying started last month. I also get shaky and feel off balance.

17-05-09, 22:29
Javajoy thats exactly how I am. Had an episode atwork few months ago where started feeling like everything swaying then started shaking(outside and inside) and felt like was going to pass out. was very strange. doc said all anxiety related.

18-05-09, 10:21
yes, this is exactly what i've been having for the last 3 days. it's not great, but not as bad as large dizzy spells. am going to the doctor for it tomorrow morning and going to ask what causes it and if there's anything to counter it, shall see what they say!

19-05-09, 09:51
my doctor, after having a look, said it's either anxiety but could also be mild Labyrinthitis, so have been giving a load of cyclizine for 5 days to clear it up. hope that helps anyone else who has that.