View Full Version : Eye Floater

17-05-09, 13:22
I posted about this a few days ago but it just seems to be getting worse, everywhere I look there is a black spot in my vision.

It darts around and they are worse when I look into the sky and especially on a bright day!

I'm so worried its something to do with my brain

I recentley had an eye test for those who didnt read my previous post...and they found nothing, I only got new glasses.

I am so worried, I have been having trouble sleeping lately, I wake up alot during the night, wake up early and find it difficult to get to sleep no matter how tired I am.
I'm a bundle of nerves also. Could these be contributing?
The eye problem is not making my life any easier!

17-05-09, 14:48
Please do not be too worried by this.
My uncle had a similar problem which just cleared up by itself, and it did not cause any problems for him - although I can imagine how annoying and irritating it must be to have a black spot obsuring part of your vision.
Have you informed your optician and/or your GP of this problem? Only they will be able to tell you what exactly to do about it.
Good Luck!

17-05-09, 14:58
you get this if you dont get much sleep
wish you better

17-05-09, 19:44
Please, please, please do not worry. I had this exact anxiety a month back. Bright light made it especially worse and I got really scared looking into the sky. There really is nothing to worry about. I can see my floater when I concentrate on it. I think I have had it for years. Try to relax and just accept that it is there. It is doing you no harm and yes you can see it but you really are fine.

Hugs :hugs:to you.

17-05-09, 19:53
i get this also..had it this morning..which ever way i moved my eye the black dot moved to..

17-05-09, 20:35
I also get this too, notice it more when I am tired. Also same as marie evverywhere I looked there was this black dot. I have had an mri scan done recently on my brain and nothing wrong.

18-05-09, 16:43
Thanks everyone

I'm still worried as I have been getting sharp zapping pains in the back of my head aswell


18-05-09, 18:18
I get these sometimes too come and go in a matter of seconds but are a different places in my head. Usually when I am feeling quite tired x

09-06-09, 20:29
I also get this when I am going through bad periods of anxiety but not otherwise. It can sometimes link in with when I am getting depersonalisation with me but not always.

tayside lassie
09-06-09, 21:09
ive had them for years was sent to the eye clinic at the hospital doctor said its loose debris floating in the eyes and are harmless ... and after all these years i still get myself worked up about them .

09-06-09, 21:30
I currently have one of those and I made up my mind not to stress over it. That was approx 3 weeks ago and mostly I'm not aware of it. Try not to worry, accept that it's there and let the fear go.

10-06-09, 07:59
i have the floaters as well. very annoying. have had them for years. the last eye doc told me that it was some sort of gelling of some part of the eye and that its harmless., and it could go away, but mine never did.

10-06-09, 14:56
i have one of these! had it for years. its more noticable on bright days, when i'm stresses or tired. the doc said they are due to buts of protein floating around inside the eye.. nothing to worry about!
after a while you just seem to forget its their!

10-06-09, 15:11
just want to say i have black floaters as well, and its really annoying since i like to draw and they are very dominant when looking at a whilte paper trying to draw details, and they just move all around adn sometimes i loose focus just to trace the floater.. kinda weird of me in know. anyhoo i went to eye doc a few times about this and she explained that it was just little blood cells that are floating around and they are not serious or mean anything is going on. i have learned to ignore them for the most part. also the head zaps i think is anxiety, i have read other peoples posts here talking about that and i feel better knowing that its more then likely anxiety, my psychiatrist said it was all anxiety related as well, even the numbing i have been getting on only one side of my face from my eyeball, nose and chin. I can't believe all the symptoms that anxiety;/panic has and its no wonder we are alays worried that is mroe going on since it matches so many real problems. the thing is i can't keep going to the doc, i'm starting to feel ridiculous and i just write it down and wait it out .. things that get worse or don't change regarldess of stress relatedness, then i make another appointment.

10-06-09, 15:41
I have recently developed a 'clumpy' eye floater in my left eye that appears like a small black fly in my vision. It is exceedingly irritating but I have also had it checked and it is nothing serious. I know it's hard not to worry, but mine is slightly less irritating now than it first was, and I have convinced myself not to worry about it! I also got a sore head the first few days as I kept looking at it (or trying to!) and giving myself eye strain as a result!

10-06-09, 15:47
don,t worry i/ve had these for years i just ignore them ,i used to pay alot of attention to them but don,t any more ps don,t take any notice of them. take care