View Full Version : tmj

27-08-05, 13:28
About three years ago i remember going to my dentist saying i had jaw pain and ear ache on my left side, he checked my jaw and his words were
"oh yes its all over the place" meaning my jaw was too loose.
He gave me some excersize sheets to follow and It did improve alot.
However I have always had some slight ear discomfort including a buzzing in my ear at night.

Steadly over the past week I have been getting the same pain which radiates over my left temple. I have just been looking up jaw problems and have read about TMJ and how it can cause dizzyness in sufferers.
I have had the dizzyness 3 years the same time i got the Jaw problem.
And then i developed the panic disorder.
Is it a coincedence ?


27-08-05, 20:37
Pain in Jaw,cheek bones and around eyes (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2475)
Another little question (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3787)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

28-08-05, 05:17
Hi Mirry!
Have you had your blood pressure checked? I have high blood pressure and it causes ringing in my ears. It's treatable. I just take medication for it 3 times a day.
I also have the jaw thing too. I am trying to do the relaxation exercises to alleviate this. It seems I have trouble with this when I'm dreaming at night. Wish I could control the part when I'm sleeping.

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)

28-08-05, 10:28
Hi ,

My blood pressure is low but I have always grinded my teeth since i was a child at night when i am asleep.

Yesturday my face was slightly puffy on the same side i had the pain, today it appears to of gone down.If i smile ,yawn or chew food it hurts.
I have been getting head pains and eye and ear pains (its horrible) yet confusing cos i also have a very slight cold.

I will go to read Megs links now , thanks all.[:I]


29-08-05, 04:06
Hi Mirry!
Are you going to see your doctor? I think a doctor or a dentist ought to look into the swelling. Maybe there's an abcess or something? I'm no medical expert, but I would head to the DR. on this one.
Best wishes,

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)

31-08-05, 08:31
Went to GP about my jaw (it swelled again) and he told me I have probally got Sylavia stones and to take painkillers until it passes.

Wasnt expecting that diagnosis but he seemed very laid back about it so Im happy lol.
