View Full Version : back pain?

17-05-09, 17:40
Hi guys,

I really try not to get too paranoid about side effects of medication as I know I'll start imagining stuff as that's my way, but I just wondered, has anyone else ever had Citalopram cause lower-back ache? I woke up with it this morning after three days of an increased 20mg dose and it seems to be getting a bit worse. I'm not too worried as I can handle physical stuff more than mental, but I'm just curious if anyone else has experienced this.

Any thoughts?

Ta :)

Sarah xx

17-05-09, 19:46
Hi sarah,

Havent heard of anyone experiencing low back pain with citalopram. Could it maybe be that you have slept better with the increased dose and therefore been lying in the one position for longer through the night instead of tossing and turning?? Just a thought.
Hope it is just a muscular pain and that it improves soon.

Sid xx