View Full Version : Emotions playing havoc!!

27-08-05, 13:41
Hi everyone, at the moment I am feeling ok. But I know in about an hour or something this will prob change!!. Its really weird, one moment you will feel good, then if you think of something negative (such as a symptom you have appearing), it all changes. My days appear to be full of ups and downs (90% downs may I add!), and I feel especially bad first thing in the morning (I am a total nervous wreck!), does this sound like everyone elses day!?

27-08-05, 14:01
Hi there,
sorry you are feeling bad right now, i too find (along with many others) that mornings are not a good time for me...but i try to distract myself, i do have kids so they tend to always 'need' something, which in a way is good for distraction! If you feel ok, try to do something, no matter what it is, reading, writing, music, cleaning, and not think that you will automatically feel bad in an hour, maybe you will, but the chances are maybe you won't. gosh does any of that make sense? It is very easy to say, but to put into practice not so eh? but it does work, trust me, some time ago, i felt like a total wreck most of the day (never liked answering the phone, the door, etc) it has slowly passed, it is hard but can be done. take things slowly and keep in touch xxxx

27-08-05, 14:11
Hi Gareth
I think its a fairly common thing for anxiety sufferers to feel terrible first thing in the morning. Don't know why.
I figure its because during the night all your fears come to the fore in your subconcious, and when you first wake-there they all are!
I find as the day goes on I start to improve and by bedtime I'm feeling ok.
I think-"i'm feeling so good, I'm bound to feel fine in the morning", and then the whole palaver starts again.
Most of the time i am able to accept it and wait for it to pass, because experience has taught me it usually does.
I admit somedays are a write off though!
Janet c:)

27-08-05, 14:53
Hi Gareth

I know exactly where you're coming from. It's like you say to yourself I feel OK but this isn't gonna last. I hate it:(, I feel like I'm bringing it on myself. I personally don't feel to bad very fist thing in the morning, things start to get worse when I've been up for a couple of hours. Then normally I've calmed down by mid afternoon, but everyone experiences anxiety in different ways.

27-08-05, 15:26
Hi Gareth

I can relate completely to what you're saying. I know about the morning's anxiety, it's horrid, huh. First thing that comes to you in the morning is awareness and consciousness which can remind you of your daytime anxiety, that's the only best way I can explain it really.
I hope you'll feel better soon.


*He who loses money, loses much; He who loses a friend, loses much more, He who loses faith, loses all.*

27-08-05, 21:03
Hi Gareth,

I can really relate to and emphasize with you there. Mornings are not great for me either. I get periods where I feel up and down. Here is a topic I posted a while ago.

NO PATTERN TO ME FEELING LIKE A YOYO!!!! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4188)

All I do now is just try to accept that it's all part of the anxiety and try not to focus on my thoughts and feelings to much. try to distract myself and get on with the day. Not always easy though I know. hey!

I hope you feel better soon.

Take care,


27-08-05, 21:07
Energy follows thought

But I do agree mornings were always the worst bit, by evening I almost felt normal only to be really awful again the next day .

Its easier if you accept that that it likely to be the case and so not get upset if it does happen but its a lovely surprise when you wake up and feel well ..


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?