View Full Version : Numbing Pain in Left Rear of Head when..

17-05-09, 19:15
Ok im new to this forum and thank you for having me.

Im 27yrs old and recently over the last 3 weeks have been having a numbing, throbbing pain in the left back side of my brain. Basically from the middle to the bottom of the brain stem. When im sitting down and not applying pressure to my lower body i feel totally fine. When im standing or walking and applying pressure to my lower body is when i feel the horrible pain.

The pain would come and go for most of the last few weeks. But since Monday it has been present everyday all day. I have narrowed the source down though. I noticed when my daughter would crawl on my legs it only hurt when she was on my left leg and not my right. So i started to poke around my left leg. Basically its my left calf when i even touch it sitting down the pain appears in the back of my skull. I am kind of freaked out as I have never had any real major health issues.

I went to the doctor on Tuesday he gave me flexoril and 800mg Ibuprofen too see if they work. All they do is put me to sleep and i still have the pain. Im picking up my referral for Xrays and bloodwork tomorrow (i have no health insurance:blush: ) Many people i talk to think its a pinched nerve. If so why is my calf causing the pressure in my head and not in my back? I did fall at work about 2-3 months ago and landed square on my tailbone but was fine a few days later. Im just scared do i have blood clots, aneurism, tumor ect... I 'm engaged have a daughter and another little boy due in 2 months. My fiance and daughter are covered under her insurance and until we get married in september I cant jump on hers. I have applied for State Medicare but im still waiting to hear if i qualify.

Thank you if anyone has any insight.:hugs:

18-05-09, 18:31
nothing? Off to doctors to get my referral

18-05-09, 22:31
sounds like it's muscle tension or a pinched nerve. it connects from that area down to your spine and into the legs. a good deep tissue massage could help pinpoint the source!

20-05-09, 07:17
Doctor got the results..everything looks normal. Said its most likely a pinched nerve/muscle tension like you said. Its a sensory nerve in my left leg triggering a muscle spasm in my head. Kinda weird but said it will get better ina few weeks.