View Full Version : Headaches

17-05-09, 19:18
Just need some reassurance really. Has anyone else had the same problem?

I've been on 20mg of Citalopram for the past 15 weeks. I was off work for the first 12 weeks and have been told to 'ease' myself back in to things. The tablets had really helped and I felt ready to face the world again, my psychotherapist agreed.

Things were going well until 2 weeks ago. The job I do can be stressful at times and you can't always walk away from things. It seems that as soon as I do something that makes the adrenaline flow I now get the most intense headaches. I seem to be getting them everyday i'm at work now. Peoples usual response of 'I just need to chill' doesn't work as it's not always possible. And painkillers don't seem to be able to numb the pain.

I'm going back to see my GP on Tuesday, but I don't know if he's just going to tell me i'm being silly and it's just another side effect.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


17-05-09, 19:24
maybe you need to learn how to reduce the stress at work and/or handle it better, a tablet may not be the answer. Have a good think about the stress at work, see if someone can help you there to change things.

Lion King
18-05-09, 20:39
Hi pink,

Do you have anyway of releasing the adrenaline, such as exercise?

I am on week 9 on cit on an increased dose of 30mg, my anxiety is still taking some time to settle down but I am hopeful! I am looking to get back to work but at my leisure, Is it possible that you could reduce your hours until you felt more able to take on stressful challenges?

Can you tell me when you started to feel better on Citalopram?

Hope the headaches go

Lion King